Chloe Crawford is a communications associate for TD Insurance. Before this role, Chloe pursued her honors undergraduate degree in business communications from Brock University. Chloe takes pride in her storytelling abilities – specifically the impact her advice articles, and her articles about Indigenous issues have made.
Have you ever lost someone you loved and felt so guilty because you realized you had taken for granted the time you had with them? I think most of us have. And for those of you who haven’t, all I can say is it’s an awful feeling, and I don’t wish it upon anyone. Unfortunately, […]
Over the decades, education curriculums have changed quite a bit. People might even argue that some have been watered down. But when it comes to giving students grades, should they be given a free pass when the work hasn’t been done? Giving zeroes to students landed one teacher in hot water A former teacher of […]
Have you ever seen someone who looks half her age? If I’m honest, I get mistaken for younger quite often. However, I’m 23, and that’s not exactly a good thing. Especially when I’m at work, and I’m trying to look professional in front of my bosses when in reality, it’s like another worker brought their […]
No parent would ever believe the possibility that their children could be left all alone in the world to fend for themselves. No one would ever want to think about a time when their children may be adopted by other people because they are no longer there to perform their duties. No one brings kids […]
Have you ever taken a walk on the beach and noticed beautiful stones in the sand? Well, those stones are actually worn-down glass pieces called sea glass. That broken bottle you passed on the street 10 years ago may become a beautiful addition to beaches around the world. What is sea glass? Have you ever […]
When you think of a geologist, what do you usually think of? I don’t know about you, but I think of a lot of boring rocks. But something found recently completely changed my mind about what geologists do. Actually, scrap that. This rare rock formation discovery actually blew my mind. Are you ready for it? […]
Did you know that watermelon tastes better with salt? Evidently, the entire internet did, and I feel pretty left out of this trend for one. Maybe it’s because I live in a colder climate where we only have hot weather for three to four months of the year— but HEY, I like watermelon too. As […]
Have you ever seen a wild cat IRL? Seeing that most of you are probably unlucky like me (who has never even seen a bear), I’m happy to say that I have a great story to share with you today. For those of you who have never had the pleasure of visiting British Columbia in […]
Are you somebody who likes olives? If you are, then you are in for a whole lot of olive bashing. For some reason, they have become some sort of a delicacy in America. For example, when we see them, it’s usually in a fancy spread surrounded by gourmet cheeses, crackers, spreads, and of course, wine! Tapenade […]
You’ll never guess what happened after this man caught a little boy beside him staring at his phone? Unfortunately, it’s quite easy to lose hope in humanity these days. For example, most of us probably know someone who has gone through the unthinkable. Horrible things happen every day for a lot of different reasons, it’s […]
Would you dump your significant other for sneaking off and visiting McDonald’s? I understand that every relationship is unique, and because of that, they are super complex. We all have our own set of expectations and deal breakers. For example, one expectation in a relationship could be that your significant other treats you with respect. […]
Short girls – where ya at??? We know that you go through a lot, each and every day, because, well… you’re short. So to give you an opportunity to laugh off your struggles, we put together a list of 25 problems that you probably know all too well. #1 short girls prom pictures are less […]