Chloe Crawford is a communications associate for TD Insurance. Before this role, Chloe pursued her honors undergraduate degree in business communications from Brock University. Chloe takes pride in her storytelling abilities – specifically the impact her advice articles, and her articles about Indigenous issues have made.
Finally, it’s time to bring home your baby. How exciting! There is no other joy in the world that compares to becoming a parent. And, it just got even better; this invention lets men breastfeed. Of course, I’m sure you’re well prepared to bring home your little bundle of joy. You’ve probably attended classes, assembled […]
We all know that twins have a special bond that no other siblings have. We hear those stories of twins being able to sense the other; when they’re in physical pain or even when they’re experiencing intense emotions. And, of course, the infamous switching places trick where one twin fills in for the other in […]
Have you ever tried Buttered Saltine Crackers? Neither did I until a couple of weeks ago but let’s just say it completely blew my mind. In all seriousness, though, have you ever them? I know it seems a little bit unusual. Usually, you put different things on your crackers like peanut butter, jam, and even […]
If a woman decides that she wants to take care of her husband, why is that such a bad thing? I understand that at first hearing that a woman chooses to spend her day doing her husband’s laundry and making him food seems like the exact thing our equality-focused generation should NOT be doing. Women, […]
What are your thoughts on a woman with a beard? It’s a male trait, boys are hairy and girls are hair-less, right? WRONG. Of course, we all know female beauty standards have kept women from rocking their natural look for too long. Honestly, I have to give it to social media here because although these […]
Do you have an aunt who you absolutely adore? Me too. Actually, I have three amazing aunts who all play a crucial role in my life. Of course, our moms are also super important and usually play the biggest role in our lives when we’re young. However, aunts are arguably just as important as our […]
I know it’s been a while since many of you have been in school but do you think you can solve this complex math equation? I’m not going to lie; I got this one the first time. Honestly, that doesn’t sound like a big deal, but I’m usually THE WORST at brain teasers. Seriously, I’m […]
To be honest, I think this Omaha mom killed the obituary game. Recently, Crystal Sauser completed a task that most of us hope we never have to do. She wrote her husband’s obituary. When Sauser’s husband, Eric with leukemia in April 2019, he was ready to fight. Eric recently turned 40. So it’s easy to […]
When the time comes, will you embrace grey? If you don’t want to, I totally get it. I mean, we’ve lived our whole lives with blond, brown, black, or even red hair, and then all of a sudden grey hair starts to appear? That seems totally unfair! Although grey hair can be perceived as one […]
In a minute, I’m going to ask you to spot the panda hidden in a bunch of elephants. But first, I want to know if you one of those people who loved Where’s Waldo? Well, I don’t know about you, but I certainly was. When I’m challenged to find one teensy part of a dynamic photo, […]
Puzzles are one of those things where you either love or absolutely dread. I don’t know about you, but I’m one of those people who can’t get enough of them! Every time I see something that needs solving on my Facebook feed, I stop and spend however long it takes to solve the problem at […]