Chloe Crawford Profile Overview

Chloe Crawford

Chloe Crawford

Freelance Writer

Chloe Crawford is a communications associate for TD Insurance. Before this role, Chloe pursued her honors undergraduate degree in business communications from Brock University. Chloe takes pride in her storytelling abilities – specifically the impact her advice articles, and her articles about Indigenous issues have made.
 · 4 min read

Invention Lets Men ‘Breastfeed’ Their Babies Because Why Not?

Finally, it’s time to bring home your baby. How exciting! There is no other joy in the world that compares to becoming a parent. And, it just got even better; this invention lets men breastfeed. Of course, I’m sure you’re well prepared to bring home your little bundle of joy. You’ve probably attended classes, assembled […]

Chloe Crawford

Chloe Crawford

Freelance Writer

 · 3 min read

Buttered Saltine Crackers: The Perfect Old-School Snack

Have you ever tried Buttered Saltine Crackers? Neither did I until a couple of weeks ago but let’s just say it completely blew my mind.  In all seriousness, though, have you ever them? I know it seems a little bit unusual. Usually, you put different things on your crackers like peanut butter, jam, and even […]

Chloe Crawford

Chloe Crawford

Freelance Writer

 · 1 min read

Can you spot the panda hidden in these elephants?

In a minute, I’m going to ask you to spot the panda hidden in a bunch of elephants. But first, I want to know if you one of those people who loved Where’s Waldo? Well, I don’t know about you, but I certainly was. When I’m challenged to find one teensy part of a dynamic photo, […]

Chloe Crawford

Chloe Crawford

Freelance Writer

 · 2 min read

One Simple Puzzle That Has Nothing To Do With Math

Puzzles are one of those things where you either love or absolutely dread. I don’t know about you, but I’m one of those people who can’t get enough of them! Every time I see something that needs solving on my Facebook feed, I stop and spend however long it takes to solve the problem at […]

Chloe Crawford

Chloe Crawford

Freelance Writer