In a minute, I’m going to ask you to spot the panda hidden in a bunch of elephants. But first, I want to know if you one of those people who loved Where’s Waldo?
Well, I don’t know about you, but I certainly was. When I’m challenged to find one teensy part of a dynamic photo, it both infuriates and exhilarates me.
So, because I’m sure many of you love these challenges, I thought put to up to the task.
Can you spot the panda?
Now, usually I’m pretty good at them. Or at least, I’m pretty good at finding Waldo after an entire childhood of practice. But this one gave me a run for my money. No seriously, it took me like an entire hour to find what I was looking for.

Did you spot the panda? If you did, I’m incredibly impressed, because like I said, it took me way longer than it should have to spot this panda bear.
For those of you who haven’t found it yet, I’ll give you a hint: focus your eyes on the right side of the page.
Still haven’t spotted the panda?
Take a look 7 rows from the bottom and the second face from the right-hand side; you should spot a white and black panda bear!

If you weren’t able to spot the elusive bear, don’t beat yourself up – it blends in perfectly with the elephants!
If you enjoy challenges like this, make sure to check out these ones next:
- You’re a genius if you can find your name
- Bet You Can’t Crack This Problem Without Using A Calculator?
- Only Out Of The Box Thinkers Can Solve This Math Problem
- One Simple Puzzle That Has Nothing To Do With Math