Chloe Crawford
Chloe Crawford
December 11, 2023 ·  2 min read

Readers Will Require Calculator To Find Solution To Complex Math Equation

I know it’s been a while since many of you have been in school but do you think you can solve this complex math equation

I’m not going to lie; I got this one the first time. Honestly, that doesn’t sound like a big deal, but I’m usually THE WORST at brain teasers. Seriously, I’m not even exaggerating. For example, last week, one of my co-workers sent me this 10 question quiz that tests your *knowledge*, and I straight up got three out of 10. 

Anyways, I’m telling you guys this because I, someone who is horrible at these problems, got it on the first try then I do not doubt that you guys can do the same. I think it’s time I stopped telling you the story of my horrible luck with brain teasers and actually give you this complex math problem.

How fast can you solve this complex math equation? 

The complex math equation is 50+50-25X0+2+2
Image Credit: A Post 

There’s no denying that this question looks intimidating but honestly, it’s because there are so many numbers…However, there is a method to the madness, I promise! Do you want a tip to solve this complex math equation? First things first – multiply! No, seriously, do the multiplication first!

  • 25 X 0 = 0 

Now that you have the multiplication down make sure you replace the 25 X 0 with the number 0 and start adding and subtracting from left to right. Here is your new equation (50 + 50 + 2 + 2).  If you still need to simplify this complex math equation, think of it as 100 + 4

Here’s the solution 

The answer is 104

If you solved this problem and got 104, great job! You should be very proud of yourself – especially if you are long removed from school because let’s be honest … When do we have time to do math? 

Looking to enjoy some other math questions, brain teasers and riddles? Check these out: