elderly couple holding child
Chloe Crawford
Chloe Crawford
October 21, 2024 ·  4 min read

Whatever Is Taken for Granted Will Eventually Be Taken Away

Have you ever lost someone you loved and felt so guilty because you realized you had taken for granted the time you had with them?

I think most of us have. And for those of you who haven’t, all I can say is it’s an awful feeling, and I don’t wish it upon anyone. 

Unfortunately, this happens more often than it should. We all get caught up in our lives with work, travel, and our personal lives. Of course, everything I just said is incredibly important too. But, sometimes, we get so caught up with what we have going on day in and day out that we take for granted the time we have with loved ones until it’s too late. 

Often, the first instance of this in a person’s life is the loss of their grandparents. As kids, we just want to play and be with our friends, not realizing that one day we will lose our grandparents to the cycle of life. 

I know we’re usually young when this happens, but I do think this is our first crucial lesson about not taking things for granted and appreciating the time we have with the things and people we love in our lives. 

Here are some steps you can take to appreciate the things you have now:

You’ll stop taking things for granted once you realize nothing lasts forever 

I hate to break it to you, but nothing lasts forever. It’s a hard truth to accept, but the sooner you realize this, everything in your life, including your priorities, will change for the better. 

So please, don’t wait to tell people you love them.

I had lost my grandmother when I was only eight-years-old, so I hadn’t really thought about losing anyone else in my life. For whatever reason, as I looked around the room at a family party as saw my aging grandfather, I understood that the time I have left with him is limited. 

Before this, I would only see him on special occasions or if my mom invited him over for dinner. But as a teenager, did I come home from school to visit him or help him with tasks around the house? Absolutely not. I came to realize that choosing everything in my life over spending time with him just because I had taken the time I had with him for granted was one of the biggest mistakes I have made in my life so far.

You can prioritize work and have a social life, but remembering and making time for your loved ones should always remain a priority for you. You never know when your time with them will end. 

Appreciate it all

Okay so, some things that our loved ones do are sure to get under our skin. They are family (and friends) after all! When this happens, I think it’s important to take a step back and remember what you are grateful for. Are you grateful to have loving parents who only get under your skin because they want what’s best for you? Are you grateful to have siblings because they are your forever best friends even though they drive you crazy sometimes? Appreciate them, and don’t make sure your time with them isn’t taken for granted.

I think it’s also great to realize that it’s not just family we take for granted. For me, one of my favorite things to do in my free time is a hike. I love taking my dog out and spending the next few hours alone in the woods. 

I went for a hike with my parents the other day. My dad is reaching his mid-60’s, and my mom is reaching her late-50’s. We stopped a few times, they were slower, and my mom even had to pop an ibuprofen to help with the pain her knees were causing her. 

We aren’t guaranteed to be healthy and agile forever, so appreciating every time you can move your body. Make it a routine.

Express your love, in the way your loved ones receive it

Have you ever heard of love languages? If you haven’t, this will be a great section for you. 

Basically, we all understand love in our own unique way. For me, I know my loved ones love me through acts of service. If someone makes breakfast, shovels the snow off of my car, or makes coffee in the morning, I feel love.

This is different for everyone. There are four other love languages including quality time, words of affirmation, touch, and gifts [1]. 

Love languages aren’t just for romantic relationships.

They help you understand your loved ones so you can appreciate them in a way that makes them feel loved. Using their love language means your time with them isn’t taken for granted.

My mother, for example, receives love through quality time and touch. So that means a lot of mother-daughter dates and hugs. 

Take action to not take things for granted

It’s easy to forget about the important things in life, but we can’t let our time be taken for granted. It takes effort to switch our priorities. But, when the time comes when we lose our loved ones, I promise you, you won’t regret it. 

Keep Reading: Please, Don’t Wait to Tell People You Love Them


  1. What Are The 5 Love Languages? Everything You Need To Know.” Mind Body Green. Julie Nguyen. October 21, 2020.