mcdonalds meal
Chloe Crawford
Chloe Crawford
April 5, 2024 Â·  3 min read

Man Dumps Girlfriend For ‘Cheating’ After Visiting McDonald’s Behind His Back

Would you dump your significant other for sneaking off and visiting McDonald’s? 

I understand that every relationship is unique, and because of that, they are super complex. We all have our own set of expectations and deal breakers. 

For example, one expectation in a relationship could be that your significant other treats you with respect. Some others could include communicating transparently and honoring your relationship by not looking at another individual romantically. 

Some deal breakers that most of us are familiar with include cheating, different family values, and if you hate dogs. Because nobody wants to be with a puppy hater. 

But sneaking away and visiting McDonald’s? Does somebody deserve to be dumped for that?

Here’s how this Reddit user got dumped for visiting McDonald’s

Before the dumping, a woman lived with her then-boyfriend for almost three years [1]. That’s a substantial amount of time in a relationship to build trust and communication if you ask me. 

Anyways, her boyfriend is vegan —and before you all harp on veganism, he didn’t break up with her because she ate meat. I needed to let you know that he was vegan because this becomes a crucial part of the story. Personally, I think veganism is beautiful. When you’re vegan, you start to think about your actions very critically. So not eating meat allows vegans to significantly reduce their carbon footprint while saving many lives in the process.

However, although veganism can be awesome, once you’re vegan, it’s hard to understand why anyone wouldn’t be vegan. That goes for significant others.

Getting back to the story, her boyfriend has been vegan since he was 18, meaning he’s the real deal and probably completely morally and ethically committed to the animals. 

After dating for three years, they decided to take the plunge and move in together just last year. 

Here’s where things go wrong

The Reddit user’s boyfriend wanted her to try out veganism as soon as they moved in together. “Honestly, I was contemplating going vegan beforehand, so I thought why not,” the woman shared on Reddit [1][2]. 

Of course, some cravings accompanied her transition to veganism.

“At first, it was okay, but f***ing hell, I was craving chicken McNuggets like there was no tomorrow, ” she continued [1]. 

Visiting McDonald’s behind her boyfriends back

Unfortunately, she couldn’t control her cravings for chicken McNuggets and had to start visiting McDonald’s at least twice a week without her boyfriend knowing. 

So at least twice a week, I would sneak out the house and say I’m just going to the supermarket or running errands, and then I’d go to McDonald’s and eat a bunch of nuggets or a McChicken.

Of course, her boyfriend started to notice that his girlfriend was seemingly sneaking away and started asking her questions. I mean, wouldn’t you?

“I would then quickly go to the grocery store and buy random s*** we don’t even need, so he thinks I really was just at the supermarket.”

Cheating allegations

One time the woman couldn’t answer her boyfriend about where she was going or why she had to leave. Her boyfriend doesn’t think to accuse her of going to McDonald’s (because why would he) but instead thinks she’s cheating on him [1]. 

“I was doing this for months, but my ex started getting suspicious, and yesterday he blew up at me and accused me of cheating on him because of the number of times I leave the house and refuse to let him come with me. He then broke up with me.”

Coming clean about visiting McDonald’s

Ultimately, the woman decided she didn’t want to lie to her boyfriend anymore. She came clean to him about her trips to the fast-food joint [1]. 

He didn’t believe her and I don’t blame him – I wouldn’t either.

So moral of the story, if you have to lie over small things like a trip to a fast-food restaurant, your partner may think you’re cheating and dump you. 

Keep Reading: Why Do So Many Adult Men Keep Their Mattresses On The Floor


  1. Man Breaks Up With ‘Cheating’ Girlfriend Who Went To McDonald’s Behind His Back.” Lad Bible. March 6, 2021.
  2. Man Breaks Up With ‘Cheating’ Girlfriend Who Went To McDonald’s Behind His Back.” Reddit