Short girls – where ya at???
We know that you go through a lot, each and every day, because, well… you’re short. So to give you an opportunity to laugh off your struggles, we put together a list of 25 problems that you probably know all too well.
#1 short girls prom pictures are less than ideal
#2 There is no such thing as a mirror in ‘tall people houses’
#3 Crop tops are regular shirts for short girls
#4 If you’re thinking of getting a long coat, just don’t…
#5 If you want to look people in the eye, you need to wear heels to work
#6 Apparently, short people are left out from reading
#7 a step stool to get into bed? Not unusal
Image Credit: tropicalgirl13
#8 Feet rarely touch the ground for short girls
#9 an unfortunate, yet common problem
#10 You probably will only look up at people unless they’re under the age of 10

#11 if the bathroom has a vanity, you better just climb up
#12 Short girls can’t even do laundry
#13 Shopping is obviously an issue
#14 Let’s take a moment of silence for how AWKWARD it is for a short person to hold hands with a tall person.
Actually, with anyone besides fellow short people
#15 yep sun shields basically do nothing for short girls
#16 Basically, you were born to NOT be a supermodel.
#17 This girl is about to snap
#18 Short girls don’t know what they’re looking for, they just reach
#19 Why does everyone want to lift short people up, they’re not children.
Also, don’t pick random children up while you’re at it.
#20 DiD yOu EveN gRoW
#21 Concerts are basically just never going to go well for short people.
Unless of course, you convince someone to let you on their shoulders 😉
#22 Seriously, why do you have to pay more for clothes??
You technically need less fabric and it’s not YOUR fault the clothing industry decided not to make clothes to fit your height.
#23 Counters = life for short girls
#24 Honestly, if there’s not a step stool in a short person’s kitchen, are they even a short person
#25 How Short Girls are greeted
There you have it! A long list for short girl life!
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