Julie Hambleton has a BSc in Food and Nutrition from the Western University, Canada, is a former certified personal trainer and a competitive runner.
Julie loves food, culture, and health, and enjoys sharing her knowledge to help others make positive changes and live healthier lives.
Did you know that the Earth actually has two north poles? That’s right: There’s the geographic one in northern Canada, but also a magnetic one. The geographic north pole never changes, the magnetic one, however, is always on the move – and right now we are racing towards a complete pole reversal. If the poles […]
We all know that one individual who gets excited about Christmas while the rest of us are enjoying the heat of summer. We’re camping, swimming, boating, and catching rays, and they drive us crazy with their “__ Days until Christmas” countdown on Facebook. Maybe that person is you. Do you get into the Christmas spirit […]
When you need to measure something, most of us are pretty accustomed to using a ruler or measuring tape. But what do you do when you don’t have either of those things? Thankfully, there are a number of ways you can measure without a ruler, provided 100% accuracy isn’t required. How To Measure Without A […]
Those summer scorchers are no joke. If you’re looking for creative ways to beat the heat, why not try this DIY air conditioner you can make in under an hour? Materials You’ll Need Tools You’ll Need What To Do Step 1: Place your box fan face up on the floor. Unravel both of the copper coil […]
Emojis are a modern-day language that has taken over the texting world. An emoji may not be worth a thousand words, but they can certainly summarize a few pretty effectively. One of the most commonly used is the heart emoji, which comes in a rainbow of colors. Each of those colors has a different meaning, […]
There was a fatal car crash in Gainesville, Georgia. The accident took the lives of three people: Two young moms and one baby girl. Naturally, the families were devastated. Another young woman, however, captured a photo of the wreck while on her way to work that day. In the picture, what looks like a “pathway […]
Traditionally, the “American Dream” has been to get a job, get married, buy a house, and have a family. Unfortunately for millions of Americans, step three comes with a major roadblock: The cost of the average home across the United States. This is the minimum salary you need to afford a home in every single […]
There is a doctor in Australia who one day decided to start wearing his scrub cap a little differently. Specifically, he decided to start writing his name and occupation on the front of the cap so that people looking at him can read it. It caught on and became a trend amongst doctors across the […]
Would you want to have the world’s largest family? I grew up with three siblings. To some people, this may seem huge, while to others, this is a pretty average-sized family. To this Russian woman who has 21 babies and wants to have up to 105 children, this is minuscule. Meet Kristina Ozturk: The Woman […]
Long have people tried to use science to explain beauty. Particularly, doctors who work in the field of cosmetic surgery. After all, they are in the business of helping people achieve the “perfect” face, and business is booming. In 2021, the Global Cosmetic Surgery market was valued at $50.27 billion, and it’s expected to grow to $67.91 […]
For thousands of years, alcohol has been a part of various cultures around the world. Whether to celebrate something or just as a regular part of a meal, many of us have at least one drink almost daily. While there are some health benefits to certain types of alcohol, having too much, too often is […]
In nearly every civilization around the globe, human trafficking prevails, and contrary to what many people believe, the United States is not excluded from the horrifying reality. Every year around the world, millions of women, men, and children are kidnapped, deceived, coerced or lured away from their homes into some form of forced labor or […]