Julie Hambleton Profile Overview

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

Freelance Writer

Julie Hambleton has a BSc in Food and Nutrition from the Western University, Canada, is a former certified personal trainer and a competitive runner. Julie loves food, culture, and health, and enjoys sharing her knowledge to help others make positive changes and live healthier lives.
 · 6 min read

Famous Surgeon Claimed Amber Heard’s Face is the “Most Beautiful In The World”

Long have people tried to use science to explain beauty. Particularly, doctors who work in the field of cosmetic surgery. After all, they are in the business of helping people achieve the “perfect” face, and business is booming. In 2021, the Global Cosmetic Surgery market was valued at $50.27 billion, and it’s expected to grow to $67.91 […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

Freelance Writer

 · 6 min read

Team of Retired U.S Navy Seals and Police Officers Are Rescuing Children from Trafficking

In nearly every civilization around the globe, human trafficking prevails, and contrary to what many people believe, the United States is not excluded from the horrifying reality. Every year around the world, millions of women, men, and children are kidnapped, deceived, coerced or lured away from their homes into some form of forced labor or […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

Freelance Writer

 · 5 min read

Easy Exercises That Help Keep Your Mind Sharp at Any Age

It is extremely important to keep your mind sharp as you age. The problem is, many of us wait until we’re older before we start considering doing brain exercises to keep our brains as active as possible. While starting later is better than never, the earlier you start working out your brain (as well as […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

Freelance Writer

 · 3 min read

Deadly skin disease found in dolphins linked to climate change

There’s a horrific skin disease killing off the world’s favorite sea animals, and now we finally know what’s causing it. Scientists have linked a deadly skin disease found in dolphins to climate change. Today, all the world’s dolphins are at risk. (1) Deadly Skin Disease Found in Dolphins Caused By Climate Change Since Hurricane Katrina […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

Freelance Writer