cigarette lighter
Julie Hambleton
Julie Hambleton
June 4, 2024 ·  2 min read

Sorry Millennials, But Only People Over 40 Will Be Able To Pass This Quiz

This “Over 40” quiz has got millennials all around the world saying “that thing does what?”. If you are under the age of 40, there’s a very, very slim chance that you will be able to even pass this over 40 quiz

The Over 40 Quiz

Whether you’re testing your memory or your ability to guess what a random object might be for, try your hand at this over 40 quiz. Each image will have 4 possible answers, but only one is correct. Keep track of your choices, we give the answers at the end!


Image Credit: Reddit
Jacket zipperUsed to dice vegetables
It’s from a canFrom an old grenade


Image Credit: Buzzfeed / Getty
Power the radioCigarette Lighter
Working the ACManual engine starter


Image Credit:
Play musicShow pictures
Used as a frisbeeOld-fashioned sunglasses


Image Credit: Twitter / KingJamesofDFs
Recline a chairLoosen a screw
Change gears in a carOpen a window


Image Credit: Twitter / Olddriver55
Public 911 telephoneDrive-in speakers
Walkie-talkiesSchool intercom system


Image Credit: Reddit
Public newspapersArcade games
TelephonesThe men’s room


Image Credit: EuroCarParts
Operate window wipersOpen the gas tank
Open the trunkBrightened the headlights


Image Credit: Twitter / Mr_Mike_Clarke
Camera FilmTiny cellphones
Audio recorder tapeCamera batteries


Image Credit: Facebook / Tom Cash
Meat tenderizerIce cube tray
Jell-o cube moldRadio antenna


Image Credit: Pinterest / Eileen Simon
Car batteries8-track player
Old cigarette holder caseAdded scent to the AC air


Image Credit: Twitter / Novarlynx
Part of a car doorOld hole-puncher
Credit card readerPrecision paper slicer


Image Credit: Facebook / Tom Cash
Dish rackPortable heater
Napkin HolderToaster


Image Credit: AntiquesNavigator
Car keyCan opener
Tongue depressorEyelash curler


Image Credit: Twitter / fras99
Accordion CaseKitchen Mixer (case)
Old radio (inside)Sewing machine (case)

15. How did this coin help your record player?

Image Credit: Facebook / R&K Home Improvement
Propped up the needleRemoved blemishes from the record
The coin stopped the record from skippingIt spun on top of the record


Image Credit: Reddit
Turn lights on and offControlled house temperature
Changed record player volumeControlled the TV


Image Credit: no_silenced
Reusable ice cubesMagnetic toy blocks


Image Credit:
Wind-up food processorApple corer
Jar openerPineapple corer


Image Credit: Buzzfeed
Measuring tapeBirth Control
Candy tapeCap gun ammo

How do you think you did? Check your answers below!

Over 40 Quiz: Answers

  1. It’s from a can
  2. Cigarette lighter from a car
  3. Showed pictures
  4. To open a window (in a car)
  5. Drive-in speakers
  6. Telephones
  7. Brightened the headlights
  8. Camera film
  9. Ice cube tray
  10. 8-track player
  11. Credit card reader
  12. Toaster
  13. Can opener
  14. A sewing machine (case)
  15. Stopped the record from skipping
  16. Controlled the TV
  17. Flashbulbs
  18. Jar opener
  19. Cap gun ammo

How did you do? Make sure to rend this to your friends and family and see how many they can get right!

Other Quizzes

Ready for more games and quizzes? Try out these ones below:

Good luck and have fun!