potato head
Julie Hambleton
Julie Hambleton
May 17, 2024 ·  3 min read

Mr. Potato Head Brand Goes Gender-Neutral And Drops The ‘Mr.’

Did you ever have a Mr. Potato Head toy growing up? Or perhaps you remember Mr. and Mrs. Potato, the entertaining potato couple from Disney’s Toy Story. Well, Hasbro, the company that makes them, made a big announcement: They’re dropping the “Mr” from the brand name. Now, the toys will simply be known as the Potato Head toys. (1)

Hasbro Dropping the “Mr” From Mr. Potato Head

To be clear, Hasbro states that Mrs. and Mr. Potato Head aren’t going anywhere – they will still be available for purchase in some stores. The brand is simply moving in a more gender-neutral direction. (1)

Instead of being branded the “Mr. Potato Head Toys”, they will just be the “Potato Head Toys”

“[they have] provided endless creative possibilities to our preschoolers for almost 70 years and will continue to do so,” Hasbro said. “The possibilities to create your own families are endless with mixing and mashing all the parts and pieces.” (1)

The announcement made some people happy, while it made others angry. Many people thought that Hasbro was discontinuing the famous potato toy altogether. (2)

Hasbro then came out with another statement on Twitter, clarifying that they were not getting rid of the beloved character. They are simply rebranding the franchise. (2)

“Hold that Tot — your main spud, MR. POTATO HEAD isn’t going anywhere!” they wrote on Twitter. “While it was announced today that the POTATO HEAD brand name & logo are dropping the ‘MR.’ I yam proud to confirm that MR. & MRS. POTATO HEAD aren’t going anywhere and will remain MR. & MRS. POTATO HEAD.” (2)

Image Credit: Hasbro

Making Space For Gender-Neutral Play

Additionally, coming this fall, you will be able to buy potato family kits. These kits will come with two adult potatoes, a baby potato, and 42 accessories. Children will then have the creative freedom to dress up each potato as they please. (1)

LGBTQ+ advocacy group GLAAD says Hasbro is making the right move.

“Hasbro is helping kids to simply see toys as toys, which encourages them to be their authentic selves outside of the pressures of traditional gender norms.” (1)

Image Credit: Hasbro

Toys To Be More Environmentally Friendly

Gender inclusivity isn’t the only move Hasbro is making with the spuddy lineup. They are also aiming to make the toys out of plant-based plastics and have them sold in virtually plastic-free packaging. (3)

When the toy was first created in the 1950s, kids actually had to supply their own potato. The toy was simply the arms, legs, facial parts, and accessories. They moved to plastic potato bodies later on.

This also isn’t the first time Hasbro has rebranded in response to changing times. For example, they discontinued Mr. Potato Head’s pipe in the 80s in response to concerns about tobacco smoking. In the early 90s, they rewrote his backstory to get rid of the couch potato references and give him a more active lifestyle.

While there are many people praising the move, there are just as many criticizing it. Some say toy companies should leave what they call “adult issues” out of children’s play.

What do you think? Do you support Hasbro going more gender-neutral with the iconic spud?

Keep Reading: Woman Creates Gender-Neutral Playing Cards To Replace King, Queen, And Jack


  1. Mr. Potato Head brand goes gender-neutral, dropping “Mr.” title.” CBS News. Sophie Lewis. February 26, 2021.
  2. Mr. Potato Head Brand Goes Gender Neutral (Sort Of).” NY times. Johny Diaz. February 25, 2021.
  3. Hasbro Grows Sustainability with Mr. Potato Head Goes Green.” Has Bro. October 8, 2020.