Bringing you stories that warm your heart

We create and find stories that you can share with your loved ones. We share ideas that make you go hmmm....and we give you tips that you can try yourself to build your home, life and relationships.

 · 2 min read

People Are Painting Dressers To Look Like Vintage Volkswagen Buses

We love upcycling furniture, and we especially love it when people paint things in a theme. If you are a lover of the ’60s, chances are you probably love the vintage VW Van. Owning one of these babies would be a dream come true! Well, it looks like, for most of us at least, that […]

Jade Small

Jade Small

Freelance Writer

 · 2 min read

People Are Making Merry-Go-Rounds For Their Chickens From Old Bike Tires

As a child, I absolutely loved merry-go-rounds! Always so much fun, I could never wait for the carnival to come to my area. I’d go on rides on the merry-go-round over and over and over again! So, obviously, when I spotted this idea online, I was filled with excitement. Many people go the extra mile […]

Jade Small

Jade Small

Freelance Writer

 · 1 min read

These 10 Old Equations Proved Impossible To Solve

We just LOVE these impossible equations! Are you any good at them? Math is not everyone’s strong point, but that should not stop you from giving it a go anyway! We have ten just ready and waiting for you to solve, so give it a bash and let us know how you faired! Are you […]

Jade Small

Jade Small

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

Volunteers Crochet Plastic Bags into Sleeping Mats for the Homeless

The issue of homelessness and protecting the environment are two major topics today. Over half a million people are homeless on a single night in the United States. About 65% are in homeless shelters, but 35% are left on the street. [1] In addition, billions of plastic bags are made every year, according to Worldwatch […]

Brittany Hambleton

Brittany Hambleton

Freelance Contributor

 · 5 min read

It’s Time to Focus on the Things That Unite Us.

When Joe Biden made his first address as president, he announced his intentions to bridge the political divide in American society. In all of the millions of people who tuned in, no one could ask, “What divide?” The bitterness between American citizens is tangible. Political arguments are not little “agree-to-disagree” disputes among friends; they are […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Freelance Writer

 · 5 min read

There Are Fluffy Miniature Cows You Can Own As A Pet And They Are Adorable

People love pets. According to the 2017-2018 National Pet Owners Survey conducted by the American Pet Products Association, approximately 85 million families in the United States have a pet. [1] The number of Americans with pets has climbed from 56% in 1988 to 68% in 2018. Americans don’t just love having pets, but they love […]

Thomas Nelson

Thomas Nelson

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

“Pathway to Heaven” Captured in Photo of Fatal Car Crash

There was a fatal car crash in Gainesville, Georgia. The accident took the lives of three people: Two young moms and one baby girl. Naturally, the families were devastated. Another young woman, however, captured a photo of the wreck while on her way to work that day. In the picture, what looks like a “pathway […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

Freelance Writer

 · 2 min read

People Are Having a Hard Time Finding the Horse Hiding in This Ordinary Picture of a Frog

Visual mind teasers are a great way to get your brain active and working. These “optical illusions” are proof that not everything you see is always as it is! According to Susana Martinez-Conde, who is director of the laboratory of visual neuroscience at Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Ariz: “They’re important tools in visual research to help […]

Jade Small

Jade Small

Freelance Writer