
 · 4 min read

Neighbor Called Police About Children Who Chalked Hopscotch Game On Pavement

Playing with chalk is a classic summer game. Children can create outlines of each other, draw pictures, and sketch a hopscotch board onto the sidewalks and driveways. With childhood creativity, the possibilities are endless. Plus, it gets kids playing outside in fresh air, always a good thing in this day and screen age. However, some […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Freelance Writer

 · 5 min read

Always be Grateful for What You Have No Matter How Hard Life Gets

I hear a lot of people complain about a wide range of things. From bills that have not been paid to not being able to take that vacation. Some complain about the flimsiest of things. While you may not have everything you want, it is pertinent that you should be grateful for what you currently […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Freelance Writer

 · 3 min read

Blind Woman Living Alone in Rundown Home Gets Home Makeover From Neighbors

It seems that people are given an excuse every day to question the goodness of humanity. However, moments also happen every day that remind us there is still some good to be found. A blind woman in Woodland, California a few miles Northwest of Sacramento, received an incredible gift from neighbors in her community. Brief […]

Leah Berenson

Leah Berenson

Freelance Writer

 · 3 min read

Female pilot gets mistaken for flight attendant by airport employee

A 22-year-old female pilot known as @sabrinaleej on TikTok caught the attention of millions of viewers when she posted her latest video. The pilot seems to be pretty unamused and frowns at the camera, dressed in her uniform. She originally staked her claim to fame when she posted about the difficulties that arise as a […]

Chantel Brink

Chantel Brink

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

Why men are more confident about wearing high heels today

Fashion is truly the most restricting thing. Or at least it was in the past. Girls wear shirts and heals, and boys wear shirts and walk flat on their heels. These days, more and more men are breaking out of socially accepted fashion trends. They are getting comfortable with items of clothing that were once […]

Jade Small

Jade Small

Freelance Writer

 · 3 min read

Woman who survived cancer as a kid becomes nurse where she was treated

Cancer is not always something that brings inspiration into one’s life. One woman managed to survive cancer twice in her young life. By the age of 24, she was working as a nurse in the very same hospital where she was treated. She managed to conquer a disease that has claimed so many. Furthermore, it […]

Jade Small

Jade Small

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

7 Years Ago, He Was Homeless–Today, He Bought His First House

Most of us live our lives without having to worry about being homeless. But for the ones who do, the experience is distraught. Anyone can end up without a roof over their head, as well. Be it because of finances or just getting kicked out, we never know what life might throw our way. But […]

Mayukh Saha

Mayukh Saha

Freelance Writer

 · 5 min read

A Girl Wishes a Happy Birthday to Her Dad With Down Syndrome and Makes Everyone Admire This Strong Man

People have spoken about raising a child with Down’s syndrome, but few have spoken about being raised by a parent with the condition. Until this beautiful Facebook message from the child of a dad with Down’s syndrome. The life expectancy for people with Down’s syndrome has increased significantly, to about 60 years, depending on the […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

90% Of Viewers Couldn’t See The Mistake In This Picture! But Can You?

Being keen-eyed and detail-orientated definitely has its perks. It makes you a whiz at I Spy and you’re often the first to spot the beach on a road trip. When you watch crime shows, you may pick on details that solve the mystery before the detective does. And most helpful of all, you’re quick to […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Freelance Writer

 · 3 min read

Grandmothers: They can’t get enough of their grandkids

Grandmas are the cutest and sweetest people ever. The love they have for their grandkids is so great and undeniable. Generally speaking, grandparents can love their grandkids more than their actual children.  This might be due to the following reasons For whatever reason they have, grandparents (grandmas especially) go above and beyond for their grandkids. […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

Freelance Writer