Leah is driven by learning and adventure. She has studied Journalism, Early Human Development, and Culinary Arts. When she’s not writing she can be found reading or hiking the Southwest.
Some people have bars, or a window grill, on the outside of windows in their homes. They come in various styles but serve an important purpose, enhancing the home’s safety. However some are curved, offering a more aesthetic alternative. Safety First A window grill is a great option for adding security to a home and […]
It’s been said, “They don’t make them like they used to”. While it’s a dated phrase, it applies to almost everything. For example, only one 21st-century film has made it into the 10 movies of all time, according to Letterboxd. Letterboxd Highlighted Films The movie, Parasite, featured in Letterboxd as one of the 10 films […]
Technological advances have made it possible to do amazing and life-saving work but there’s an additional benefit; a fun and silly side. For example, AI fails are making their rounds on the internet and are amusing, spooky, or bizarre, depending on your sense of humor. AI Creativity AI-generated images have allowed people to get creative. […]
The rapper, 50 Cent, is known for his music and built physique. However, some artists, himself included, fully commit to their roles and a 2011 film showcased him in a way fans had never seen before. Committed to the Role 50 Cent is known for his successful rap career but has also appeared on the […]
People love fat shaming, food shaming, and just about any other method of shaming that can be used to point out another person’s flaws. However, more and more women are feeling empowered and compelled to embrace themselves, their curves, and all. One example is a couple, Brittany Jacques and Matt Montgomery, who met online. Fat-Shaming […]
Although immigrants have a bad reputation in certain parts of the world, some countries welcome them with open arms and hearts. They are more than just people who also deserve a fighting chance, they’re also an example of unyielding courage and strength. Especially when things don’t go according to plan and most of us would […]
Tom Selleck is a long-term and well-known actor. He’s played many memorable roles including Thomas Magnum in the 1980’s mystery-themed TV show, Magnum P.I. In addition to his great acting there’s something else that sets him apart from most of Hollywood’s actors. For over 50 years Tom Selleck performed his own stunts and action scenes. […]
Pets bring joy to our lives and are typically considered part of the family. We all know someone who sleeps with their pets nightly, takes them on trips, and spoils them at every given opportunity. Recently a story came to light that is leaving people stunned. There is a family in Wittman, Arizona, who was […]
Most, if not all of us, know who Steve Irwin is. He made it his mission to educate the world about nature and how to treat wildlife properly. Steve was the beloved ‘Crocodile Hunter,’ known by many worldwide. However, in 2006 tragedy struck, and he lost his life. He was filming a documentary about the […]
Stardom and wealth create resources and funding to help others. Occasionally, a celebrity comes along who truly works to cultivate a brighter world. Such is the case with funny man, Zach Galifianakis. He is well known for his hilarious role in The Hangover trilogy, releasing his own show on VH1, and appeared in a comedy […]
While social etiquette has always been lacking, it would seem that post-pandemic, things have gotten worse. As such, those who work with people, such as in customer service, have become punching bags for their patrons. Subsequently, one Cape Cod restaurant closed for a “day of kindness“, allowing employees to get a much-needed break from the […]
Pets are like family to most people. People love and spoil their pets like they do their own children. However, sometimes people fall on hard times and are unable to continue caring for their pets. When this happens they often end up at an animal shelter. Sweet Girl Surrendered One animal shelter in Chattanooga, Tennesse, […]