woman staring at computer screen
Julie Hambleton
Julie Hambleton
September 21, 2021 ·  2 min read

Do You Have What It Takes To Beat The Best & Ace This ‘IQ Test’?

It’s riddle time! Like a good IQ test, this riddle will test your critical thinking skills. Are you up for the challenge? If you get the right answer, then you really must be quite smart.

Can You Ace The IQ Test Riddle?

This IQ test-style riddle seems simple at first, but quickly you realize that there’s more to it than meets the eye. Or is there? That’s the tricky part about riddles like this one: You’re usually overthinking it, but then again, if you go too fast, you’ll miss a detail.

That being said, take your time and really think about this one before you commit to your answer. Check out the riddle below and see what answer you can come up with.

riddle IQ test
Image credit: GPuzzles

Think you know the right answer? Let’s chat about it and see if you change your mind before the big reveal!

The Answer

Okay, so the riddle says that Mr. and Mrs. Beckham has six daughters. First of all – wow! That’s a big family. A lot of girls, to boot! With that said, the riddle goes on to say that each sister has one brother. So with six sisters, each with one brother, how many brothers is that?

If your first thought was well, each sister has one brother, so that must mean that there are also six brothers. If you’re like me, then your second thought is “wow, I hope that some of them are twins! That is a LOT of children!”. While yes, this family is still bigger than average, they do not have 12 children – they have seven.

Think about it: The riddle says that each sister has one brother. This is one family. If each sister has only one brother, this means that this is a brother that they share collectively – they are a family, so they all have the same brother, after all.

Finally, before you say okay great! The answer is seven! Don’t forget the ever-important pair of people in charge of raising those seven children: Mr. and Mrs. Beckham! Including them, this brings the total family count up to nine.

So there you have it: The answer to this riddle is nine!

More Riddles and IQ Tests

Enjoyed that riddle? Well, we’ve got plenty more where that came from. Check out the list below of games and riddles and see how many of them you can get right. The faster you answer them correctly, the sharper your mind must be!

Have fun! Don’t forget to share these with your friends and family so you can challenge them, too!