Jade Small
Jade Small
July 28, 2021 ·  4 min read

Can You Get A Perfect Score In This IQ Test?

When last did you do an IQ test? If you’re anything like me, the last time was when your parents took you to see some stranger who gave you puzzles and asked weird questions about things that seemed just silly! So, what is your IQ? The acronym, IQ, stands for Intelligence Quotient. There are a few variations of the test, but ultimately, they are a series of questions and puzzles to answer and solve and it provides a measurement of your intellectual abilities and potential. 

Most people only get their IQ checked out as a young child, or maybe in high school when applying for colleges. But, what if you are well past that point? There is the likely possibility that your IQ has grown since then – amazing what a little food, water, and life experience will do, right? Let’s take a look at this series of IQ test questions, and see how many you get right! We have provided the correct answer for you below each question, but, no cheating! Try to guess before you take a peek at the right one.

Let’s see how Well you do in our IQ Test!

If “A” is Bigger Than “B”, but Smaller Than “C”, Then:

  • “B” is the biggest
  • “B” is bigger than “C”
  • “C” is bigger than “A” 
  • “C” is the smallest

This first one is petty simple, all you have to do is close your eyes and visualize the pattern that the different size letters make in the instruction. This is definitely not going in alphabetical order, so do not let the letters confuse you. Have you got it yet? Try to think of it before you read on further, but the answer is C. Ironic because the answer is “C” is bigger than A.

24 ÷ 6 ( 8 – 4 ) = ?

  • 32
  • 1
  • 16
  • 24

Now we ask of you to go back into your minds to the mathematical formulas you were taught at school. Hopefully, you were taught what comes first in terms of BODMAS, but if not, the answer is; 16.

In Roman Numerals, How Many Hours are in One Day? 

  • XXIV 
  • XXIL
  • XXVI
  • XIXV

For most people, this will be subliminal knowledge acquired over many years of surfing the net, watching thriller movies and series, or just about anything, really. If you have had absolutely no exposure to Roman Numerals, you might not know that the answer is; XXIV.

Which One of the Five is the Least Like the Other Four?

  • Copper
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Ivory 
  • Platinum

Considering that each of these is a type of metal except for the one, the answer is pretty self-explanatory in this IQ test question. Ivory is not a metal, it comes from the tusks of majestic elephants.

Which Word Best Expresses the Meaning of the Word “Reassure”? 

  • Submit
  • Induce
  • Proffer
  • Hearten 

Finally, a grammatical question in our IQ test! No time to whip out your thesaurus, even though these days they are literally at your fingertips. The answer is; “hearten”.

9 ÷ 3 + 9 ÷ 3 = ?

  • 3
  • 9
  • 12

Mathematics is not something anyone can avoid, it is an ever-surrounding factor of life. This equation is another one that depends on a certain order of sequence. Have you guessed yet? Great! Did you get the answer, 6?

Wing is to Air, as:

  • Lung is to Breath 
  • Flipper is to Water
  • Engine is to Jet
  • Elbow is to Hand

This in our IQ test is all about finding the similarities between the question and the answers, which one is more relatable? If you do not recognize any similarities, the answer is. A – Lung is to breath.

1984’s Author’s First Name is? 

  • Scott
  • George 
  • John 
  • James

C’mon, you must know this one! If you read Animal Farm in high school you might be familiar with the science fiction-styled writing of George Orwell, who also wrote the dystopian Novel, 1984.  The answer is B, George.

Which of the Six is the Least Like the /Other Five?

  • Lungs
  • Ears
  • Eyes
  • Ovaries
  • Kidneys
  • Lips

Hmm, let’s take our time to consider the last question in our IQ test, as the answer does not jump out at first. Some of these are parts of our external body and some of them are internal organs. The only difference is that one of them is only found in a female’s body, and the others are found in both male and females bodies. Have you guessed yet? You’re right, it’s D, ovaries!

4 + 4 x ¼ + 4 – 4 = ?

  • 16
  • 7
  • 4
  • 13
  • 20

Of course, they would send it off with another mathematical equation – expected nothing less. If you remember your order of sequence then you might have got the answer; 5!

If you managed to get through these questions without cheating, what was your score out of 10? Share that with us, but, be honest!

Also, If IQ tests are your thing, here is another one for you to try out!

Only ten percent of people can ace this test, and it might imply a higher IQ. Are you able to read this word?

IQ test word

Think you know the answer? Well, there are a few more to solve in this test, CLICK HERE to see how you do!

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