Weddings are magical events, full of surprises. One place you don’t expect to see something a wee bit shocking is on the wedding RSVP. However, that is exactly what happened recently when one such wedding invitation was spotted on Reddit. It seems the couple who sent out these elegant cards forgot to double-check the text.
You’ve got the cake chosen, your catering options are set, you have your venue booked, and it’s all coming together. However, before you can get to the seating arrangements, you need to know who will be attending. This is when you send out your wedding RSVP invites. You’ve likely spent plenty of time picking out the paper, the font, and of course, the message as well. Now, normally you would approve the final design before printing them out. Even after that, you would certainly read them before sending them out. Wouldn’t you?
Well, one wedding RSVP card was recently posted on Reddit that doesn’t seem to have had much proofreading done. Captioned, “I’ll have the 10 year old please, medium rare…” this invite left quite the impression on the r/funny community.

At first glance, you notice the lovely gold double border, the elegant cream-colored paper the card is printed on, and the beautiful choice of font. Upon closer inspection, however, the entrée choice is a bit odd. You can select either beef, pork, or…child? Unusual to not have a vegetarian option in this day and age, isn’t it? Ah well, at least they let you know that they can probably assist if you do happen to have any dietary restrictions.
Other Funny Wedding RSVP Cards
While we were browsing the internet for funny things, we stumbled across a few other hilarious wedding RSVP cards we thought you’d also get a laugh out of.
1. At least they give you ALL the options.

The best part about this wedding RSVP card is that it allows you to be honest, without fear of being judged. I bet whoever made these were pretty fun to hang out with at a party, unlike whoever made the next one.
Read: This gay couple’s mindblowing first dance at their wedding shocked their guests
2. Passive Aggressive RSVP Cards…yay

You don’t really want a ton of sarcasm and passive aggressive remarks to flood your wedding RSVP. Unless of course, you are hoping that no one will show up. Eloping is always a fun option.
3. Now is your chance to come up with something GREAT.

Don’t hold back. This is your chance to let the creative juices flow. Planning on being abducted by aliens that day? Why not?
4. There will always be recorded visual proof of this happening.

With the invention of the open bar or even the cash bar at a wedding, all of the sudden people thought they could dance. Maybe it’s the great music that gets people thinking “I CAN dance!” even though, no, they can’t. Thanks to phones with amazing cameras, there will always be evidence of these dancing escapades. Even if you regret the choice later, it doesn’t matter. These dances will haunt you. Might as well have fun with it!
Wedding RSVP cards can be as fun and unique as you and your partner are. Make sure to include a bit of your personality when you send them out. Just remember to proofread them too, unless you want to look like you’re serving strange menu choices.
Keep Reading: 9 Years Later, Couple Finally Open the Wedding Gift an Aunt Told Them Not To Open
- “I’ll have the 10 year old, please, medium rare…” Reddit. August 25, 2016.
Attention: While many of these stories are interesting, and we would love to take their word for it, the content in this article was taken from an unverifiable source (i.e., a Reddit forum). As such, we cannot guarantee that these events truly happened in the way that they are described in the original source.