· 3 min read
Imagine a life where your whim is your destination. A life that holds minimal restrictions on exploring new places at any time. Where your career holds no bounds, and neither do the four walls you live within. One couple decided their nomad lifestyle was not worth giving up for their dream home. They bought a […]
· 5 min read
What would your reaction be if your significant other turns out to be your cousin (albeit, a really distant one)? Well, a husband revealed that his wife wanted a divorce. Now, while some of us may think that the wife over-reacted a bit- maybe she didn’t! The husband also brought up this issue with his […]
· 6 min read
The Robinson family prepared to welcome their second child to their little family. Their first child, Johnathan, was already four years old, and they had decided to move to another house. The idea was to have more space for their little ones to run around and play together without getting under their parent’s feet. Both […]
· 4 min read
I am the youngest child of a blended family. I have two half brothers and two half sisters. When my parents were married, my sisters were in their teens and my brothers were pre-teens. I can attest that there are some challenges associated with combining families seamlessly and being a good step parent. There are […]
· 2 min read
A TikTok reel recently showcased a video of when a dad found out that his missing son had been located in his own basement. The young child had been reported missing for close to 11 days, which did leave his family quite worried. But what added to the shock, and eventual relief was when the […]
· 6 min read
Our childhood and the time we spend with our parents are irreplaceable and will one day come to an end. This is why having pictures of those cute moments becomes all the more important for later on in life. Usually, on special occasions, particularly birthdays, parents will always take pictures of their child. For one, […]
· 4 min read
The issue of homelessness and protecting the environment are two major topics today. Over half a million people are homeless on a single night in the United States. About 65% are in homeless shelters, but 35% are left on the street. [1] In addition, billions of plastic bags are made every year, according to Worldwatch […]
· 5 min read
When Joe Biden made his first address as president, he announced his intentions to bridge the political divide in American society. In all of the millions of people who tuned in, no one could ask, “What divide?” The bitterness between American citizens is tangible. Political arguments are not little “agree-to-disagree” disputes among friends; they are […]
· 6 min read
Mary and Allan were happily married for four years. After having met in university, they got hitched as soon as they graduated. Mary was a painter who worked from home. She was able to manage her own schedule for when she worked and when she had free time. Allan on the other hand worked for […]
· 5 min read
Parents want the best for their kids, but so many parenting methods contradict. That’s how some parents with the best intentions may make mistakes with their kids. That’s what happened when one single dad took to Reddit to ask: “Was I wrong to cut my daughter’s hair?” Parents give out empty threats all the time, even though […]
· 5 min read
Following the sudden departure of his wife a month after their son’s birth, a man had to navigate the challenges of raising his baby as a single dad. Although initially struggling in his new role as a single parent, he eventually adapted and became more confident. He didn’t know the child he had grown to […]
· 6 min read
To spank or not to spank? That is the question many parents across the country have asked themselves at one point or another. When your child has pushed your buttons to the breaking point, it can be incredibly tempting to at least give them a swat. An increasing body of research, however, has shown that […]