Perspective is truly the root of all, is it not? You could see something in plain sight, and be baffled that someone else may fail to see what you see, they see it in a completely different manner that is proportionate to them personally. We all have had different experiences that will define how we interpret the things we see. One person might have a stronger experience in one aspect, where someone else will have weaknesses in. This is a riddle to find the dumbest person.
Recently I came across a riddle in the form of an image that has befuddled the internet. This image includes a tree with two branches on either side that has four people clinging to it. Three of these little people have a saw in their hands, and they are hacking away at the branch in certain sections. The fourth man, on the furthest to the left, is sitting peacefully at the end of the branch, twiddling his thumbs in his lap. Little do these people seem to realize, but they are putting themselves in danger by the place that they chose to saw the branch.
The riddle aims to decipher which one is acting the least intelligently. Do you think it is the last person, on the right-hand side? Or is it the first person who is sitting without a saw? Which one is the dumbest person?
So, I have two questions for you. Who is the dumbest person on the tree? And, why do you think so?
Some people will say that the least intelligence is displayed by the man on the far right because he is about to saw himself and holy himself out of the tree. Others have argued that it is the man on the far left because he is sitting there, no saw in hand, and simply waiting to be sawed out of the tree. The irony is that there is no right answer. Each person who sees this picture riddle is going to have a different answer because they will have a different perspective, leading to a different interpretation. Let’s look at each person in a bit more detail.
Who is the correct answer?
- The first person, sitting on the far left is doing nothing at all to help his situation – he is simply twiddling his thumbs. If you are a logical, practical, and pragmatic person you understand that you can’t sit by and wait for things to improve, action has to be taken. This might be why you perceive this person as the least intelligent.
- The second person to the left is furiously trying to cut the person on the far left down, forgetting that there is someone behind him, also trying to cut him down. You favor the art of not reacting to a heated situation, but rather responding.
- Most people might argue that this person is the most intelligent of the lot. This might be because they will not die, once all the branches are cut. After all, he is sitting securely to the branch connected to the trunk. However, this is not the greatest display of character because this person has chosen to put the lives of the other two at risk. What does that say about this person?
- The last person is on the wrong side of their saw and is about to fall from the tree. This is the type of person who only thinks for himself. His actions will not affect the other people, yet he continues to saw away.
I simply can’t decide between the first and fourth people, who is the dumbest person? They are both the least intelligent in my opinion, but for formalities’ sake, I will choose person one as the least intelligent. Would you back me up? Or, who do you think is the least intelligent out of the four people in the tree?
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