Mayukh Saha
Mayukh Saha
February 17, 2024 ·  3 min read

People Are Sharing Their Favorite Riddles – And We’re Scratching Our Heads

In a world that is so governed by the Internet and social media, it is quite surprising that people actually deal with riddles. In fact, some individuals also have their own favorite riddles that they look at or ask their friends to solve. Not only does it help in socializing, but it also helps ensure that your brain stays sharp. If you want to solve a riddle, you must keep a close eye and a broad mind to check out every nifty corner of the puzzle. But at the end of the day, it is a lot of fun!

Here Are A Few Favorite Riddles Sent By Our Fans

1. A Man And A Bunch Of Bicycles

Nell Esterhazy Scannon sent this riddle which states, “There’s a room with a dead man and 53 bicycles. What happened?” 

The answer- He was caught cheating at cards. 

2. Mute Orphan

David Robinson sends, “Motherless, fatherless, born without a skin. Speaks when it is first born but never speaks again.”

The answer- Thunder

3. Man With A Common Name

Andrew D. Jones writes, “Today in town I met a man,/ He lifted his hand, and drew/ His cane, in this riddle I have/ Told you his name.”

The answer- Andrew

4. Gold Prospector

Clinton Haller Atkins II from Facebook sends, “An ivory box without key or lid yet golden treasures inside is hid.”

The answer- Egg

5. Breathless

Alison Berard writes, “Alive without breath, as cold as death. Never thirsty, ever drinking. All in mail never clinking.”

The answer- A fish

6. Safari

Andrew Ramirez states, “You are riding a horse,/ To your right is a zebra/ To your left a giraffe/ All of you are being chased by a lion/ What do you do?”

The answer- You get off the merry-go-round

7. Can You Fly Without Wings?

Ashley Plantinga writes, 
“I can fly like a bird, not in the sky
Which can always swim and always dry
I say goodbye at night and morning hi
I’m part of you, what am I
I follow and lead as you pass
Dress yourself in black, my darkness lasts
I flee the light but without the sun
Your view of me would be gone.”

The answer- A shadow

8. Is It An Army? Or Is It A Game?

Sharon Sanders Willey writes, “A guy leaves home. He makes 3 left turns. When he gets back home there are two guys in uniforms waiting on him… who are they?”

The answer- The umpire and the catcher at a baseball game.

9. A Dirty Ground

Melvin Douglas Perry mentions, “How much dirt is in a hole that measures four feet by four feet by five feet?”

The answer- None

10. Breaking Through the Space-Time Continuum

Shane Dixon sends, “What happens once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?”

The answer- The letter M

11. Cowboy Bebop?

Chris Forero sends, “A cowboy rides into town on Friday, leaves 3 days later on Friday. How did he do it?”

The answer- Friday is the name of the cowboy’s horse.

12. A Dog In A Spot Of Bother

Tim Bradshaw, a commenter on Facebook, comments, “There is a black dog in the black road, and a car is coming straight at it, no streetlights, no headlights but the driver swerves around the dog and doesn’t hit it… How did the driver know?”

The answer- It’s daytime

13. Horse-less City

Dustin Musick sends, “I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?”

The answer- A map

14. Moving in a place

Amy Nassar writes, “What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?

The answer- A postage stamp

15. Why Do You Buy Something No One Wants?

Trotha Oldsin writes, 
“Person who bought it, didn’t want it
Person who sold it, didn’t need it
Person who used it, never saw it
What is it?”

The answer- A Coffin

So, how many of these fan-favorite riddles did you manage to guess correctly? Tell us in the comments!

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