group of 4 people eating pizza outside
Mayukh Saha
Mayukh Saha
February 18, 2022 ·  3 min read

This Puzzle Is Proving To Be A Struggle! Can You Give It A Try?

Do you like puzzles? Then you should try this puzzle as it will definitely tickle your fancy. We all know that such tricky questions are quite fun to deal with- especially if we have nothing more to do. And what’s more- it doesn’t require anything. For this puzzle, all you need is a good internet connection, and voila! So, enough talking- let’s get on with the question. Here’s to hoping that you would solve it with ease. 

Puzzle 1: Find The Romeo

This puzzle is going to test your observational skills. Find the woman’s lover who is camouflaged in the picture below:

illustration of elderly woman watering her rose bushes
Image Credits: Timeless Life

After all, there is no other reason for someone to have a smile on their face while gardening, right? But remember, we don’t have the entire day to solve just one question. So, put those thinking caps on and think carefully. 

Did you find the missing lover? Congratulations to those who spotted him immediately!

Here is where he is hiding:

illustration of elderly woman watering her rose bushes
Image Credits: Timeless Life

Now, let’s move on to the second riddle. Don’t put your caps down yet!

Puzzle 2: What’s Amiss?

You must be thinking- what could possibly be a riddle amongst a bunch of people enjoying a pizza? Well, appearances can be deceptive. The makers of this puzzle have this in their idea that there is something completely wrong here. And your job, our young grasshopper, is to find out the error- and fix it! Remember Murphy’s law- sometimes the simplest answer is the correct answer

So, here is the image:

illustration of a group of 4 people eating pizza at a table. image is captioned with "What's Wrong Here"
Image Credits: GPuzzle

So, did you find the mistake? Hurry up-we have to go have our own pizza party too!

If it is still escaping you, the answer is really really simple. The hint for this puzzle is not to think too complicated.

If you think that the mistake is having five slices instead of four– you are absolutely correct! Who in their right mind would put five slices for four people to enjoy? As it stands, that is a nice way to lose your friends. 

Now, it is time for the last puzzle of the day. Can we have the drumroll, please?

Puzzle 3: Save The Date!

illustration of waiter and 2 patrons dining
Image Credits: Bright Side

This couple is on a date. And the man has lost his wallet. So, what you need to do is solve the puzzle of the missing wallet- or the man loses face before his date. We definitely don’t want that- right? The bro-code wouldn’t allow us to break it. 

The date is getting worse and worse the more time it takes you to find the wallet. You won’t let a man lose his face this badly- we hope?

Well, for those who have read their Sherlock Holmes well, they would tell you that this was no puzzle at all. The date had the wallet hidden throughout!

illustration of waiter and 2 patrons dining
Image Credits: Bright SIde

No wonder she is giggling away, huh?

Remember, no puzzle is difficult to solve. Just sometimes, you have to look at the circle hidden inside the square. Or you know- just think outside the box!

Be sure to share it with your friends and family if you have enjoyed it.

Also, here are some more puzzles for you to enjoy solving: