woman pondering while looking at laptop
Jade Small
Jade Small
September 21, 2021 ·  3 min read

Can You Solve This Simple Math Problem That Almost No One Gets Right On Their First Try?

Many people have attempted to get this math problem right on the first try and failed. Do you think you can answer correctly? It’s definitely a tricky one to solve, and you will have to think outside the box to get the answer. The most important aspect of this challenge is to get it right the first time you try to solve it. However, almost no one seems to be able to do that. We certainly hope you will be one of the first to nail this challenge!

Have you ever seen a word puzzle or math riddle and you were sure it was too easy? At first glance, many of these types of brain teasers try to fool you with their apparent simplicity. However, what you need to remember is that not everything is as it seems. All too often, what we realize is there is some hidden trick or missing information our brain needs to process. That’s what makes solving them so fun!

calculator, highlighter, pencil, and pens sitting on a wooden table
Photo by Skylar Kang from Pexels

Why Solving a Math Problem is so Important

Believe it or not, your brain is always capable of learning new things. It’s that act of learning and training your brain which keeps it healthy and strong. Without giving yourself something challenging to do, like solving a math problem, you could lose clarity and sharpness with your thoughts. These types of logic puzzles or brain teasers are so important. Not just for adults, but for kids too!

According to Thoughts on Teaching Math, a math problem is actually more like a logic riddle which requires mathematics to solve. So why should mathematical riddles be used? One good reason for using mathematical riddles is that they strengthen both reading and problem-solving skills. In addition, they encourage critical thinking skills and can provide motivation by making math fun.” That sounds like a pretty good reason to us!

They go on to say, “The other great thing about math riddles is that the problem-solving skills they learn can be applied in a non-mathematical situation because many of the skills used are general.  It is important to apply these same skills so we understand that problem solving is not confined to Mathematics.” Basically, the skills you learn while attempting to solve a math problem like the one below can be used in many aspects of life. It’s all about perspective, paying attention to the little details, and thinking of a solution from all angles. All of these are important to navigate various avenues of life.

Can you Solve it on Your First Try?

The majority of people who have attempted this math problem were unable to solve it on their first try. Hopefully, you have been working on the several brain teasers we give you every week. With that kind of practice, you should be able to figure out the trickiest part of this mathematical riddle.

math problem
Image Credit: AscedingMedia

Reading the math problem above, we see the question asked is as follows: Divide 30 by 1/2 and add 10. Of course, it seems pretty simple. The trick about these types of riddles is that they seem easier than they really are. It’s that false sense of confidence that trips people up when they attempt to find the answer.

Go ahead and write your answer down on a piece of paper, and let’s see if you got it right on your first try. When you are ready to reveal the answer, simply scroll down and compare your results.


How do you think you did with this math problem? Well, if you got the answer of 70, you got it right! Most people who tried this out ended up with the answer of 25, which is incorrect. If you divide 30 by half, which is 0.5, you get 60. Then, add 10, and you end up with 70!

To simplify, let’s use whole numbers. If you divide 30 by 1, you get 30. So, half of 1, is 0.5, which means we would double the 30 and end up with 60! Seems simple enough when it is explained, right?

If you need some more practice we have a wonderful selection of brain teasers and riddles for you to try below: