Jade is a freelance writer and content creator from South Africa with over 7 years of experience writing and creating. She's also a proud single mom to a super 13-year-old boy.
For many people, leaving school can be a terrifying thought. However, with prom leading the way towards graduation, students are focused on finding the ultimate tuxedo or dress and less concerned about the stress. One boy couldn’t decide whether or not he wanted to wear, so he wore both. His sequined dress-tux combo brought tears […]
A Tiffy Taffy Highlight Story: Sometimes there are tales that are just so touching and too beautiful to keep locked away. That’s why we scour the archives and bring some of them back to enjoy again. They may make you smile or shed a tear, but they’re always meant to add a little positivity to […]
Summer is officially here, and that means longer days. If you’ve felt like time is dragging by slowly, you might want something to keep your brain busy. Taking personality tests and quizzes are a great way to pass the time! If you’ve been wondering if you have a higher IQ compared to others, we have […]
We all know that school dress codes can be a drag. Growing up, no one likes being told what to wear, and sometimes we use the way we dress to rebel against authority. Clothing has always been a way of expressing yourself, even at schools with strict uniform policies. Remember those girls at school who […]
By now, we should all be aware of the wonders of upcycling old unused items. It’s such a fun and creative DIY hobby. Also, it prevents these items from ending up in a landfill or floating in the sea. We all love to explore the art of decorating our homes in unique ways. So why […]
We love upcycling furniture, and we especially love it when people paint things in a theme. If you are a lover of the ’60s, chances are you probably love the vintage VW Van. Owning one of these babies would be a dream come true! Well, it looks like, for most of us at least, that […]
As a child, I absolutely loved merry-go-rounds! Always so much fun, I could never wait for the carnival to come to my area. I’d go on rides on the merry-go-round over and over and over again! So, obviously, when I spotted this idea online, I was filled with excitement. Many people go the extra mile […]
We just LOVE these impossible equations! Are you any good at them? Math is not everyone’s strong point, but that should not stop you from giving it a go anyway! We have ten just ready and waiting for you to solve, so give it a bash and let us know how you faired! Are you […]
Visual mind teasers are a great way to get your brain active and working. These “optical illusions” are proof that not everything you see is always as it is! According to Susana Martinez-Conde, who is director of the laboratory of visual neuroscience at Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Ariz: “They’re important tools in visual research to help […]
Elizabeth Montgomery was an actress who captivated audiences on the screen. She is best known for her iconic role as Samantha Stephens in the television series Bewitched. With her natural beauty and talent, she enchanted people worldwide, leaving her mark on the streets of Hollywood. However, her fans were shocked after her untimely death in […]
One of the most legendary names in the music industry is none other than the famous Elvis Presley. He made quite the name for himself, not only in his singing and songwriting abilities but for being quite the ladies’ man. Of all the love affairs he had, one of the most prominent women in his […]
Mary and Allan were happily married for four years. After having met in university, they got hitched as soon as they graduated. Mary was a painter who worked from home. She was able to manage her own schedule for when she worked and when she had free time. Allan on the other hand worked for […]