man looking at laptop screen
Jade Small
Jade Small
August 4, 2021 ·  3 min read

9 Out Of 10 Viewers Couldn’t Answer This Question! But Can You?

There is a brand new riddle taking social media by storm! It’s not like typical riddles either- it’ll take some real brains to solve this challenge. How confident are you in your logic and math problem-solving skills? Well, let’s see how you do!

The best part about this riddle is that you likely haven’t seen it before. It’s brand new. And even though it’s currently all anyone can talk about, it might not have hit your social circle just yet. According to the creators of this little riddle, 90% of people who attempt this are unable to solve the challenge. Still feeling confident in those skills of yours?

Tips on how to solve the challenge:

Before we dive right into the riddle itself, we wanted to give you a few pointers. If you don’t want the help, you can scroll down to the next section, although you likely won’t want to miss out on this information.

Remember when you were in school and your textbooks would have some ridiculous problem-solving equation for you to figure out? There would be watermelons, and a train going 60 miles per hour, and somewhere would be a person waiting to buy those watermelons. How fast was the train going when the watermelons were being sold? I’m kidding, obviously, that’s not a real math problem, but it’s an example of how quirky and odd those problems would be.

For this riddle, you will have to remember back to those school days, and how you solved those problems. Pay attention to the information given, and especially to the information NOT given. Most importantly, do not overthink the riddle. That is where 90% of people who attempted this challenge have failed.

The riddle:

Okay, you have been given all the advice I can give. Ready for the riddle? Here goes, and good luck!

To get the correct answer, you need to really pay attention to everything the riddle is saying. Having a sharp mind and sharp eyes will help you tremendously!

If you need a pen and paper, or pencil, or notepad on your computer, go ahead. Write down what you think the answer is, and give it a few tries to make sure you are comfortable with your choice. Then, when ready, scroll down a bit and we will go through the explanation with you.

Ready to solve the challenge?

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Now that you are confident in your answer, let’s see if you got it right! Did you get the number 63 as your answer? If so, great! If not, that’s okay too, this one was tricky! Let’s go through the answer together and see how we got to 63.

If we start with the very beginning of the riddle, we see that there are 7 men. Next, we see that there are 7 wives, each one married to one of the men. So, that would be 7 + 7, equaling 14.

Then, we read that each of those 7 couples has each had 7 children. Taking that information, we would then multiply 7 x 7 to get 49.

Finally, the riddle asks how many people are there in total. We would take the original 14, and add it to the 49, which gives us 63!

Take a look at more of our fun brain challenges below: