We have all done something stupid to our hair at one point or another, getting gum stuck in it or chopping off our bangs too short. Or perhaps we attempted an at-home hair bleach that didn’t turn out as planned. Whatever it is, we’ve all been there. However, this woman who put gorilla glue in her hair takes the hair disaster cake! If you haven’t heard about her yet, keep reading!
This woman ran out of hairspray and used gorilla glue instead
Tessa Brown made headlines when her TikTok video went viral for all the wrong reasons. Tessa ran out of her regular hair spray mid hairdo and decided to try some gorilla glue to keep it in place. It did not take long until she realized what a big mistake she’d made.[1]
Tessa spent an entire month with her gorilla glue hairstyle. She tried washing it over 15 times, and it just stayed put! She even posted a second video of herself shampooing it up and goes on to say, “Nothing happens. This is the life that I guess I’m going to have to live.”
Over 28 million people have watched her original gorilla glue video
Nearly 30 million viewers have seen Tessa destroy her hair in her first video, and many more have stayed tuned to see the saga unfold. On Twitter, she even gained sympathy from celebrity rapper, Chance.
“When I watched the video the second time it was hard to laugh ’cause I could tell genuinely didn’t know she had put one of the world’s most powerful adhesives in her.”
Chance The Rapper
Tessa tried everything she could, including coconut oil and even tea tree oil. Nothing worked. She even went to see a local doctor and he was not able to help![1]

She finally got some help
After visiting the doctor, Tessa cut her ponytail off and traveled to LA, where she received free surgery to remove the glue. Dr. Michael Obeng used a combination of medical-grade adhesive remover, aloe vera, olive oil, and acetone to dissolve the glue.

You can watch Tessa below as she wakes up after the whole ordeal is finally over and run her fingers through her hair again!
Of course, gorilla glue has advised against using their product in your hair. In a statement on Twitter they said;
We are very sorry to hear about the unfortunate incident that Miss Brown experienced using our Spray Adhesive on her hair. We are glad to see in her recent video that Miss Brown has received medical treatment from her local medical facility and wish her the best.
Twitter @GorillaGlue

Tessa is helping others with donations she received
After a month of having her hair stuck to her head with gorilla glue, Tessa started a GoFundMe. She’s raised over $20,000. But, because her Doctor ended up helping her and performing the surgery she needed on her hair and scalp for free, Tessa no longer needed the money.[2]
Tessa has since chosen to make a sizeable donation towards Dr. Michael Obeng’s nonprofit the Restore Foundation. She’s keeping about $1,000 to go back towards her travel from Louisiana to Los Angeles when she went in for her surgery, and for that emergency room visit, she made when she first got the gorilla glue in her hair.
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- “Surgeon saves ‘Gorilla Glue girl’ who sealed her hair with superglue.” Global News. Josh K Elliot. February 11, 2021.
- “‘Gorilla Glue girl’ Tessica Brown’s GoFundMe tops $20K after surgery.” NYpost. Amanda Woods. February 11, 2021