quadratic formula on a chalk board
Mayukh Saha
Mayukh Saha
March 7, 2022 ·  2 min read

If You Understand These Equations You Are A True GENIUS!

Understanding an equation usually forms a major part of our school life. We have to decipher such questions- not just for attaining marks, but also for getting jobs. And let’s be honest- they do serve as a good party trick. After all, these aren’t just 2+2, they can be quite tricky if not paid attention to.

If you think you have an IQ that is well above the national average, then such tricks should be putty for you. Remember, observation is key. Observe the question before you, take your time, and solve it down. No one has been holding a gun to your head now- are they? 

Intelligence Test- Equations With Twisted Answers

Look at the numbers in this equation:

Image Credits: Playbuzz

6+4 should never be 210, but it is. Plain mathematical knowledge won’t help you analyze the equation. You would also need to have a healthy dose of wit. Look at the next number- 9+2 will never give you the answer 711, but here is. If you use normal mathematical assumptions to prove the answers, you will fail. You could stake a claim that the answers are wrong, but they have been written for a reason. Don’t think of it as arithmetic, think of it as reasoning or looking for a certain pattern. Reason with the question, so that the answer comes to what’s been given. 

And Here Are…The Answers!

Once we tell you the answer, you would see it clearly before you.

So try for five more minutes to solve the equation. 

Done? Okay, let’s get to it.

The first equation states 6+4=210. Here, arithmetic addition would give the answer 10. But what you need to do is divide the resulting number into two parts.

For the first part of the number, subtract the lower number from the higher number. So, here we have 6-4= 2. For the second part of the number, add both of the given numbers. Here, we would have 6+4= 10. Now combine both the answers that you have. 6+4= 210.

Voila! There you have it! Did you manage to solve it on your own? What other theories did you come up with? Let us know in the comments below! Also, be sure to share it with your friends and family to let them test their IQ too!

Meanwhile, here are some more interesting IQ tests: