tree stump with hidden owl
Mayukh Saha
Mayukh Saha
July 4, 2022 ·  2 min read

Can You Spot The Second Animal Hidden In This Optical Illusion?

For today’s puzzle, there is something simple in stock for our viewers. Today, they would simply have to look for the animal. As it stands, optical illusions are always a joy to behold. Now, while a few of them can be quite easy, some of them are tricky. In fact, according to data provided through TikTok, the number of people who could deal with this optical illusion falls under 1%.

So, if you manage to decode this riddle, you will certainly come under royalty. Also, since this is an optical illusion, the more you stare at it, the less you will be able to get an answer. Optical illusions are best when you glance at them and don’t have a set theory in your head. Try keeping an open mind, and you will definitely see an image in your head. 

Find The Animal In The Optical Illusion

Here’s the illusion:

Now, some of you won’t be able to find the animal. And honestly, that is fine! But, give yourself a shot before you sell yourself short. Who knows, you might end up surprising yourself? After all, there is nothing academic about it- so you would require your wits to deal with this. And what could be a better way to exercise your mind than deal with riddles? So, open up your mind, and don’t limit yourself to a box. The answer could strike in from any point. 

optical illusion of some kind of animal on a branch

So, did you find the animal? If you did, then congratulations. And for those who didn’t, there is a very simple way of trying to figure it out. All you need to do is flip your phone! As you see, there is nothing scientific about it that you can’t figure it. You simply need to befuddle the puzzle and get yourself some brownie points!

optical illusion that appears to be a fox laying or coyote on a branch

The moment you utilize this cheat code to essentially find the answer, you will find everything else around it. But, if you were able to find it without resorting to flipping your phone, you really are a detail-oriented human being. And this definitely proves that you have solid powers of observation.

Also, here are some more optical illusions for you to try your hand at: