woman working on laptop
Jade Small
Jade Small
September 21, 2021 ·  3 min read

Move Just One Stick To Fix The Equation! Can You Solve This Simple Brainteaser?

Solving visual puzzles is a great way to train your brain! Improving your memory skills and reducing stress are great reasons to try out today’s brainteaser! Do you know why visual puzzles are so beneficial for your mind and body? Well, let us give you a little bit of helpful information before jumping into today’s challenge.

Visual puzzles are more than simple images meant to confuse or perplex. According to Reader’s Digest, “A visual puzzle, also called a visual brain teaser, is any logic or reasoning problem that is expressed and solved using drawings and/or images.” What’s even more interesting is “even though they all have the visual component in common, not all visual puzzles work the same way. For example, a “spot the difference” game is one type of visual puzzle and a “find the hidden object” game is another type of visual puzzle. They both require the use of images, but you go about solving them using different methods.“

Essentially, this type of brainteaser forces you to think outside the box. Logical thinking helps in many different types of challenges, but for visual puzzles, you need more problem-solving observations to find the answers. In other words, you need to use a variety of different types of thinking to find the correct solution. Linear thinking helps with math, but not as much with visual puzzles. So, what happens when you have a math puzzle with visual aspects?

Visual Math Brainteaser

Today’s challenge comes to us in the form of a math puzzle, with a twist. There is a visual aspect you need to solve, but the math challenge will help you to find the answer. I know that probably seems confusing, but it will make sense when you look at the image below.

brainteaser: move one stick to fix the equation
Image Credit: BrightSide

As you can see, there is a math problem here. Also, there is a visual challenge as well. We can see the brainteaser reads’ 6 + 4 = 4′ which isn’t correct. How do we get the equation to make sense? Well, you have to move one single stick and it will make sense. By finding the correct stick to move, the equation becomes correct. Can you find the correct stick and move it to the right place?

Cambridge Dictionary defines a brainteaser as “a problem for which it is hard to find the answer, especially one which people enjoy trying to solve as a game.” We hope you are enjoying this little game so far! Are you having a hard time finding the right stick to move? Try thinking about what the equation is really saying. The end result equals 4, which is all the information we can give you.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

If you think you have the correct answer, let’s see if you’re right! Remember, you were only allowed to move one single stick, so if you had to move more than one, try again. However, if you believe your solution makes sense, scroll down. We have the brainteaser solution revealed step by step, and in detail.

Reading the visual puzzle above, we were only able to move one stick. We know that 6 + 4 does not equal 4. We also know that moving any of the sticks from the last 4, or from the equal sign won’t help much or make much sense. But, what if we move one stick from the plus sign? If we make that plus sign a minus sign, we are left with 6 – 4 = 4. Still not quite right. Aha! If we take that stick and place it in the empty space of the 6, we can transform that digit into an 8. 8 – 4 = 4. That is the correct solution to this brainteaser. Did you get it right?

The Answer:

answer to brain teaser 8 - 8 = 4

If you enjoyed this puzzle, let us know! Try some more brainteaser challenges below: