mouse next to mushrooms
Julie Hambleton
Julie Hambleton
July 13, 2023 ·  1 min read

This Puzzle We Found Has Us Hunting for the Mouse Among the Mushrooms

How observent are you? Do you consider yourself someone who notices small details, or are you more of a big-picture person? Either way, this new puzzle will put those skills to the test.

Puzzle: Find the Mouse Hidden in the Mushrooms

Somewhere in this field of variously-shaped and colored mushrooms is a mouse. People are pulling their hair out to find it, so if you can then you must be a highly observant person. At the very least, you’ve got a great pair of eyes.

Take a look at the puzzle below and see if you can find the mouse hidden among the mushrooms.

Image Credit: Gergely Dudolf |

If you can’t find the mouse in the puzzle, scroll down to see the answer.

The Answer

Don’t sweat it if you can’t find the mouse – this puzzle can be quite challenging.

If you are fed up and just want to know where the mouse is hiding, look at the photo below where we’ve circled it for you.

Image Credit: Gergely Dudolf |

Now that you’ve competed one of his puzzles, check out some more of Dudolf’s seek-and-find games, such as:

Lastly, don’t forget to share this with your friends and family to see if they can solve each puzzle, as well.

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