Somon Cowell giving thumbs up
Jade Small
Jade Small
May 28, 2024 ·  3 min read

Crowd mocked 53-year-old farm lady on stage: Until she opens her mouth and shuts them up completely

A Tiffy Taffy Highlight Story: Sometimes there are stories that are just too good, too beautiful, or too unbelievable to keep locked away. That’s why we scour the archives and bring some of them back to enjoy again. They may make you smile or shed a tear, but they’re always meant to add a little positivity to your day.

There is an age-old saying that says, “Never judge a book by its cover”. This is something people are very quick to do, especially when someone doesn’t fit the societal ‘norm’. 

The one thing we all love about talent shows is that everyone, no matter what you look like or how old you are, gets a chance. However, as mentioned before, when someone doesn’t fit the look, people are quick to judge. But, funnily enough, we are almost always left with egg on our faces!

When a 53-year-old farm lady named Jacqueline Faye from the UK stepped foot onto ‘The X Factors’ stage and began nervously speaking about her farm animals most of the people in the crowd, as well as the famous judge, Simon Cowell, though she was there to provide comedy and laughs. She explains how she lives on a farm with chickens, ducks, horses, and even peacocks. No one, at first knew what to make of her and some of the crowd members even began laughing while Simon rolled his eyes. Then, to everyone’s surprise, she opened her mouth and began to sing, everyone who was there, was left speechless. Jacqueline performed a wonderful rendition of Cilla Black’s 1960’s hit You’re My World.

The best facial expression has got to be Simons

Simon Cowell was caught completely off guard by her amazing singing talent. The audience went from laughing at her to cheering her on with absolute delight. By the end of her powerful audition, the audience was on their feet and Simon, along with everyone else was wearing a smile that stretched from ear to ear. It was at that moment that Simon realized he was looking at a star. 

Breaking Talents Showcase | Youtube

Jacqueline received a unanimous four yeses from the panel of judges along with the praise of a lifetime Robbie Williams, who was also one of the judges on the show after which she was given a seat on the Six Chair Challenge round. She had an opportunity to sing for a spot on Ayda’s “overs” group and was given the fourth seat in her category after her brilliant performance of ‘Bring Him Home from the musical ‘Les Miserables’. To which Robbie said: “You’re all that’s great about Great Britain.” While wife and co-judge Ayda, simply added: “I would like you to take a seat, Jacquelin…”

However, in an unfortunate turn of events…

Jacqueline was later replaced by the 35-year-old singer Antonino Spadaccino following his rendition of Rihanna’s ‘Stay’. Ayda was ultimately the one who made the decision and said: “Antonino, I love the tone of your voice, I’m going to give you a seat. “Please take seat number four [Jacqueline’s seat].

Not only the audience were shocked. Simon was too and responded to Ayda’s choice, by letting out a “woah“. When questioned off-stage, Jacqueline said: “I’m gutted. I am gutted. But hey.

Even though Jacqueline never made it to the finals she sure tried her best and sang her heart out. This is just another reminder to those who are quick to judge. That just because the book doesn’t fit the social ‘norm’ doesn’t mean that what’s within the book isn’t worth reading. In other words, no one thought she had any talent when she first stepped onto the stage to audition, and yet, when she began to sing, her voice shocked everyone, including the skeptical judges with how beautiful it was.

Keep Reading: 11-Year-Old Girl Sings Elvis Classic, But No One Expects Her To Sound Just Like The King Himself


  1. Welsh mum’s X Factor dream is over despite wowing the judges during initial auditions.Whales Online. September 29, 2018.
  2. Simon Rolls Eyes At 53-Yr-Old Singer But Her Audition Has Him Floored Seconds In.Inspire More. Kimberly White. October 2, 2018.