eureka woman with exclamation points above head
Sarah Biren
Sarah Biren
December 8, 2023 ·  2 min read

A Cunningly Simple Test to Check Your Attentiveness in Under 5 Minutes

The definition of concentration is the mental effort toward whatever you are working on at a particular moment. That’s not to be confused with attention span, which is how long you can concentrate on something. But everyone has experienced moments where concentration is a struggle. It could be while studying the night before a big exam, or slogging through a complex project, or even trying to read a book. Fortunately, concentration is like a muscle that you can strengthen and improve on. And one of these ways is by playing certain types of games that require focus. Here is one from Brightside to test your attentiveness right now.

Here’s a Five-Minute Concentration Test 

Test #1 How many triangles are here? 

How many triangles are here? puzzle
Photo credits: Brightside

Answer: 6

Test #2 How many squares are here?

How many squares are here? test
Photo credits: Brightside

Answer: 14

Test #3 How many circles are here?

How many circles are here? test
Photo credits: Brightside

Answer: 8

Test #4 How many triangles are here?

How many triangles are here? test
Photo credits: Brightside

Answer: 5

Test #5 How many squares are here?

How many squares are here? test
Photo credits: Brightside

Answer: 40

Test #6 How many triangles are here?

How many triangles are here? test
Photo credits: Brightside

Answer: 35

Tips on How to Improve Your Concentration

Fortunately, there are many other games that can improve concentration, like sudoku, chess, jigsaw puzzles, crosswords, and anything that requires memory. [1]

However, if you are stuck in a situation where you feel like you can’t concentrate, here are some things you can do to help. Firstly, ensure you are getting enough sleep. Then, make time for exercise on a regular basis; it can be as simple as walking to an errand instead of driving. Thirdly, if you’re going to go for a walk, spend time in nature. Studies have found a correlation between natural environments and increased concentration and productivity. And while you’re at it, put on some music, ambient sounds, or even white sounds. Classical music and nature sounds can help increase focus, as well as other music without lyrics playing on a soft volume. 

And if you feel really stuck, take a break. It may seem counterintuitive but think of concentration as a muscle. You’ve been working at it for hours so let it rest for a bit. Forcing yourself to concentrate after your attention starts to wander can cause stress, which makes focus even more difficult. Take a break, get a snack, hydrate, get some fresh air. You’ll be surprised how rejuvenated you’ll feel when you return to work.[2] 

If you liked these attention puzzles, here are some more brain teasers you’ll enjoy:


  1. “11 Unforgettable Games to Improve Your Memory.” Mental Floss
  2. “12 Tips to Improve Your Concentration.” Healthline. Crystal Raypole. September 3, 2019