woman using laptop
Jade Small
Jade Small
January 14, 2024 ·  4 min read

First thing that You See In these Images Says A Lot About You And Your State Of Mind!!

Would you like to know more about your current state of mind? Maybe you’ve been feeling a little stressed but aren’t sure why. Or, perhaps you are needing some motivation but don’t know where to find it. Well, we have a brand-new visual test for you to try out! Today’s perception challenge will help you identify the most prominent emotions and feelings happening in your mind right now. Even ones you aren’t aware of yet!

Getting in touch with how you feel is important. Sure, sometimes we have to push things aside so we can focus on our responsibilities, but most of the time if you acknowledge what is going on around you, you find a way to handle it. Ignoring situations for too long does more harm than good.

So, if you’re ready to get some perspective and figure out what’s really going on in that mind of yours, take a look at the five images below.

What is the First Thing you See?

In the five images below, you will see one thing or another. The idea here is to pay attention to what you notice FIRST. That is where your subconscious mind comes into play. So by determining what shapes you see first, we can tell exactly what your mind is dealing with. Let’s take a look!

1. Is This a Duck or a Rabbit?

duck or rabbit

2. Is This a Lion or an Exotic Bird?

lion or bird

3. Do you See Wolverine or Batman?

Wolverine or Batman

4. Crocodiles or a Bird – Which do you See First?

crocodiles or bird

5. Do you See a Dog Nose, or a Dog Tail?

dog nose or tail

So, are you ready to see what each of your answers means? Scroll down to see how your visual interpretations of these images reflect on your current state of mind!

What Your Answers Mean

1. Is This a Duck or a Rabbit?

If you were someone who saw the duck first, then you need to be aware of something pretty important! So, it seems like you are always making decisions in a hurry, and these impulses can have a negative effect on your life. Try taking things a bit more slowly for the next week.

However, if you saw a rabbit and not a duck, your piece of advice is a bit different. Therefore, you are more practical and methodical with your decisions. Perhaps a bit more spontaneity would be good for you!

2. Is This a Lion or an Exotic Bird?

Those who saw a lion first are brave and courageous people. You are willing to jump in when you see an injustice in the world, and you’re known for setting things right. So, good for you!

If you saw an exotic bird, then you are someone who exhibits a carefree attitude. Some might think you are a bit ditzy at times, but in reality, you are more clever than they realize. Stay true to yourself and flaunt those bold colors!

3. Do you See Wolverine or Batman?

Seeing Wolverine first means you are someone who likes to take charge of situations, rather than letting someone else lead the pack. You are a bit shy at times, but it’s because you’re doing some serious thinking!

If you saw Batman first, then you are someone who lives for others. You are always thinking of how you can please your loved ones and your friends. Perhaps it is time to spend some of that love and compassion on yourself.

Woman Holding a Smiley Balloon
Julia Avamotive – Pexels

4. Crocodiles or a Bird – Which do you See First?

If you saw the bird first, you are someone who is always working hard. You see the light at the end of the tunnel, but it doesn’t feel like it’s getting closer, despite your enormous and constant efforts. It’s time to rest, you need to give yourself a break!

However, Seeing a crocodile first means you might be a bit of a control freak at times. So what this means is that you like things to be just a certain way, and if anyone crosses the line too many times, you snap! Breathe, nothing is that serious.

5. Do you See a Dog Nose or a Dog Tail?

If you saw a dog nose, then you are a creative individual who thinks outside of the box. You tend to daydream and spend your time thinking rather than doing. That’s okay! Just remember that some things in life matter and should be handled like an adult. there’s always time to dream.

So, did you see a dog tail? Then you are an outgoing person, even though you might not feel like it sometimes. The truth is, people like you! You just need to like yourself more. Speak kindly to yourself, you deserve good things too!

If you enjoyed this perception challenge, check out a few other ones we found for you, below: