woman using laptop
Jade Small
Jade Small
November 3, 2021 ·  3 min read

9 Out Of 10 People Can’t Find The Ghost In The Room! But Can You Figure Out Who It Is?

Our brains are wired to notice certain changes around us, but what about when we look at pictures? If we try to spot something in an image that shouldn’t be there, can we do it? Let’s find out! Can you find the ghost in today’s picture challenge?

Why You Should Practice These Types of Puzzles

First off, let’s tell you why it’s so important to practice puzzles like these. Did you know these logic image puzzles can benefit your brain in numerous ways? When we try to find something in a picture that shouldn’t be there, we are working parts of our brain we usually don’t have to. However, this has an incredible benefit for our grey matter.

Dan Simons, a psychologist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, says that’s because if we spotted everything, we’d be unable to focus our attention. So our brain fails to log details it deems ­unimportant. When we flip back and forth trying to find them, we can’t because we never noticed them in the first place. However, once we do see the disparity, it gets stored as one of the obvious elements, and then we can’t seem to unsee it.”


Basically, you have to train your brain to let your eyes see what’s really in front of them. Strange, isn’t it? Well, let’s take a look at today’s challenge and see if you can train your brain!

Spooky Ghost
Ryan Miguel Capili – Pexels

Can you Spot the Ghost?

Some friends have gathered around for a lovely party during the holidays. It seems like everyone is having a great time and smiling with each other. However, one person isn’t really there. One person is a ghost who is pretending to be a guest! Can you figure out which guests are real and which one is an apparition? Good luck! You have 45 seconds to solve this puzzle. Start your timer now, and begin!

dress party image find the ghost
Credit – Brightside

Only a few seconds left before time is up! Notice anything suspicious in this image yet? Please don’t give up; remember to train your brain to focus on what it usually wouldn’t have to. Reassess where the importance is in the picture. If you were a ghost, what would be the easiest way for people to identify you as such?

Are you ready to see the answer? Hopefully, you answered correctly. If not, that’s okay too! We have a selection of brain-challenging riddles for you to solve at the end of this article. So give your brain a complete workout and try a few of them when you’re done!


Okay, if you are ready to see the answer, scroll down. It wasn’t an easy observation to make, so if you got it right, congratulations!

spot the ghost solution
Credit – Brightside

Usually, if you were trying to find a ghost, you would look for someone who seems a bit pale. Or, maybe a bit transparent. If you look at the guests’ feet, one of them appears to be fading away! So that’s where she was hiding!

Ready to try some more brainteasers out? Take a look at these below, and be sure to practice solving puzzles or riddles every day. That’s how you will benefit your brain the most!