· 3 min read
Furniture giant, IKEA, does it again by trying to save the planet by conserving the forests, one tree at a time! Wood is essential for our survival, we use it for fuel, and we use it to build. Almost everything we use came from a tree – paper, utensils, the frames on our walls, and […]
· 4 min read
In the 18th century, an unfortunate incident with stow-away hungry rats from a docking ship led to the depletion of the tortoise population in the Galapagos Island of Pinzon, Ecuador. The species was formerly thriving and basking in their numbers on the island, until the invasion of the rats. These rodents ate the tortoise eggs and […]
· 3 min read
It’s time to make a really important choice. No, this isn’t about politics or medicine, this is about something of vital importance. Clouds. That’s right, we need to determine if you see a cat or dog in this fluffy image. The internet is completely torn- everyone is divided on this one! What do you think? […]
· 4 min read
Traditional hunts are a part of many cultures. There are arguments on both sides as to whether or not they should be allowed to continue. While some say that traditional hunts can be done in a sustainable way, this latest example was anything but. During the annual dolphin hunt in the Faroe Islands, hunters killed […]
· 5 min read
As the world races to figure out how to meet electricity demands in a more sustainable, eco-friendly way, there’s one place that’s already got it figured out: The Isle of Eigg in Scotland. Meet the small off-grid island that’s been powered by off-grid renewable energy since 2008. (1) Off-Grid Renewable Energy-Powered Isle of Eigg Prior […]
· 2 min read
A parish council in a small English village accidentally had cannabis plants featured in one of its floral displays. A local gardener spot the plants and informed the council. The council then took steps to remove and secure them. The West Parley Parish Council in Dorset was left red-faced when a village planter included some […]
· 6 min read
Since its creation in 1907, plastic has become almost essential to our society. Its low cost and durability have made it an integral part of many of the modern advances we have seen in our society over the last century. However, as you are most likely aware, plastic has now become a massive problem and […]
· 4 min read
Seventeen-year-old Dasia Taylor aspires to a career in medicine. But then she changed the future when it comes to stitches by inventing sutures that change color when it contacts an infection. She started the project using beets as a natural dye for the thread. Taylor won awards at several regional science fairs for her invention, […]
· 2 min read
If you’ve ever had the opportunity to spot an albino animal, then you know how unique they can be. Did you know, however, that the opposite condition can also exist? That’s right – melanistic animals, or animals who appear black instead of their intended color – are real, and they are as incredible as they […]
· 4 min read
The world is full of wonderful anomalies. Human-made ones are particularly fun, from upside-down houses to boats made of mushrooms, to a smiley face of trees on the woodsy hillside of Polk City. Passersby are compelled to ask the same questions: Who did this? And how did they even think of this? The yellow smiley […]
· 2 min read
Have you ever seen a wild cat IRL? Seeing that most of you are probably unlucky like me (who has never even seen a bear), I’m happy to say that I have a great story to share with you today. For those of you who have never had the pleasure of visiting British Columbia in […]
· 4 min read
Rick Steves earned millions from his European travel guides and series. However, he is not one to enjoy living large while so many people suffer in poverty. So he bought an entire apartment complex to help homeless women and children. He donated the $4-million complex called Trinity Place to the YWCA, and the apartments could […]