Have you ever dreamed of riding a bike all the way across America? Well, you’re in luck: soon you will be able to. The Great American Rail Trail will be a coast-to-coast bike trail from Washington D.C. to Washington State. (1)
The United States Building A Coast-To-Coast Bike Trail
The multi-use trail will cross 12 states, stretching from Washington state on the west coast to Washington D.C. in the east. (1)
The project began in May of 2019. The goal is to connect 145 paths that already exist, and it is already over half-way completed. (1)
Decades In the Making
Though launched in 2019, the Rails-To-Trails Conservancy (RTC) has been working on this project for several decades. They raised $4 million in both public and private funds to finance the building of the path. The coast-to-coast trail will service 50 million people living within 50 miles of the trail by the time it is complete. (1)
Rail Trails are just what they sound like – Old, unused railway lines converted into multi-use public paths. People use these paths to run, walk, cycle, and even for a safer commute to work. They provide important outdoor recreation space that improves the health and lives of the people who live near them. (1)
“As the Great American Rail-Trail connects more towns, cities, states, and regions, this infrastructure serves as the backbone of resilient communities, while uniting us around a bold, ambitious, and impactful vision,” says RTC president Ryan Chao. (1)

The Importance of Cycling
Throughout the pandemic, bike sales increased around the world. (2) Particularly for those living in a city, people were looking for a safer alternative to public transit to get around and an activity to get them outside and moving. (1)
Providing more options for cycling in cities improves both citizen health and helps to tackle pollution levels. The more people cycling to get around means fewer fumes from cars on the road. (1)
America isn’t the only country to try to encourage cycling and make it more accessible. The UK, Europe, and some cities in South America all built trails and implemented bike-sharing opportunities to make the sport more accessible to everyone. (1) We’re glad to see that the United States is doing the same!
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