child holding red pen writing on a white piece of paper
Julie Hambleton
Julie Hambleton
April 9, 2024 ·  3 min read

6-year-old’s angry letter to teacher who punished him for talking in class is the sassiest thing ever

Elementary school may have been quite a long time ago for me, but I still do remember there being many rules. I was terrible at following was being quiet and not talking during class time (I am still super chatty to this day!). Clearly, this little boy who wrote an angry letter to his teacher after being deducted “hummingbird bucks” for talking to a friend in class has the same problem. If you need a good laugh today, look no further than this sassy, somewhat shocking, but completely hilarious letter. (1)

6-Year-Old Writes Angry Letter To Teacher After Getting In Trouble For Talking In Class

Being quiet isn’t most kids’ forte, especially when they are with their friends. I mean, how many of us sit at work for hours without talking to anyone, particularly when our favorite co-worker is right there? This little kid has had it with these expectations put on him and decided to let his teacher know it.

He wrote an angry letter which was so incredulous and funny that his mom brought it in to show her colleagues. One colleague decided to post a photo of it on her Facebook page so that more people could laugh as much as they did. The letter (pictured below) says this:

A handwritten letter from a little boy to his teacher
Image Credit: Jaquya Bradford | Facebook

“Dear Ms. Jones,
I am angry of you because you took 25 of my hummingbird bucks all because I was talking to Connor. That’s no big deal I’m only 6 I can’t be qyet [quiet] all the time and that makes you a thief and a crook and you are going to Hell real Hell the burning 1 because you [are] a thief. I worked hard for those bucks and my only prayer in chapel today was that God gets you to Hell fast super fast and your new haircut is bad real bad.

Let’s Break The Angry Letter Down

Wow – that is a lot of anger all pent up in one little boy! The letter starts pretty calmly, with Isaiah stating that he is upset and explaining why. It quickly goes off the rails, however, when his emotions get the better of him. You can almost see him getting more worked up as he continues to write. (1)

Of course, telling someone, you are ‘praying that God puts them in Hell quickly’ insinuates a lot. First, it insinuates that her transgression towards Isaiah means that she no longer deserves a spot in Heaven. Second, his statement that he hopes God puts her in hell “fast super fast” essentially means he thinks she deserves death and a terrible eternity soon. (1)

While the Hell part is somewhat disconcerting, it’s his closing statement that is probably the most hilarious but also most insulting: “your new haircut is bad real bad.”. Anyone who has ever spent any amount of time with kids knows that they are brutally honest. If he says her new haircut is bad, well, then it probably is! The woman who posted it made sure to mention that Isaiah’s mom now has to attend a parent-teacher conference to discuss the letter, so clearly, the teacher didn’t take it very well. (1)

The Internet’s Response

Unsurprisingly, the post went viral, and people have a lot to say about Isaiah and his teacher’s form of punishment on Twitter. Many stated that this teacher clearly doesn’t understand award systems enough to use them in her classroom.

“This teacher doesn’t understand how a reward system works. He earned his hummingbird bucks. You don’t get to take them away. If he’s misbehaving, he doesn’t earn more bucks.  I agree with the kid. That is stealing.” tweeted a commenter. (2)

Many others commented on how it was better that he expressed his feelings in a written letter rather than lashing out in class in front of the other students. Others were impressed by his writing and his ability to build suspense in such a short piece of writing.

“The teacher can “explain” why she took his hummingbirds. But that haircut, that was all her.  Teacher gonna be in a SLAP cap til it grows back.  Kids mean, but they tell the truth.” wrote another user. (3)

I’m not sure what came out of the parent-teacher interview, but one thing is for sure: That kid is going places!

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  1. Jaquya Bradford – Facebook. February 12, 2020
  2. @HelloKennedi – Twitter.
  3. @CoreyHPSkeeeWee – Twitter. Feb 13, 2020