woman laughing while using smartphone. She has illustrated cartoon tears coming from here eyes meant to resemble the "crying laughing" emoji
Chantel Brink
Chantel Brink
February 21, 2024 ·  2 min read

Gen Z TikToker Shares Things Millennials Do That Give Away Their Age

A rather tongue-in-cheek way to get the message across, but nonetheless, we got it. Singer-songwriter Katie Woodland, also known as @junebubgband from the Gold Coast of Queensland Australia shared an honest rendition of things millennials do on social media and her post went absolutely viral.

Apparently advised by Gen-Zers, she explained in her video that the generation born in the late 1990s to the early 2010s (the generation just blow millennials) need to stop doing certain things on social media. Apparently, they “scream that someone is a Millennial rather than Gen Z.” While it’s pretty blunt, it is rather funny and probably not a bad thing!

Katie on the things millennials do that Gen Zers cannot stand
Image Credit: @junebugband / TikTok

The list is quite amusing, listing things millennials do that Gen Zers have determined are now expired

From out-of-date emojis to Instagram story fonts, they didn’t hold back. It seems for example that the “laugh crying” emoji is now dead and gone and the younger generation prefers the use of the skull emoji. For clarification, unless you’re a millennial yourself, it’s “the skull face, not with the crossbones, just the skull.”

You may wonder, why a skull? It represents ‘dead,’ like dead from something being so funny,” the musician said. Don’t forget the Instagram story fonts. “Every font on Instagram is unacceptable except for the last one” she added. This refers to the fonts you can select when posting to your Instagram story.

Boomerangs are also out – they’re those videos that loop backward and forwards and are very “out of fashion.” Katie added, “Using Boomerangs used to be so cool. When I was 16 and 17, it was Boomerang central. But who knows, it might come full circle; they might come back into fashion.” A few other additions to this list would have to be landscape-oriented images in your story, visibly tagging others in your posts, and using specific filters.

In true TikTok style, the video reached over 1.1 million views

Millennials were quick to defend themselves in the comments, with one commenting: “Don’t understand why I wouldn’t want to be a Millennial. We’re the best.” Another TikToker added, “Grateful to be a Millennial and have no intention of changing any of my Millennial habits.” A very amused millennial had something else to say. “Think as a millennial, I no longer care what people think of me. It’s the whole point.”