mother and daughter. Holding hands, mother resting her her chin on the back of her daughters shoulder
Jade Small
Jade Small
December 13, 2023 ·  3 min read

A Thank You To My Mom, Everything I Am Is Because of You

Mothers day 2021 is a little over two weeks away. And while yes, our mothers indeed deserve to know just how much we love them every single day, regardless of a special date, we still like to take this time of year to give extra thanks. These are the women that raised us and helped shaped us. So, this is a thank you to my mom. The person who gave me everything and helped me become the person I am today. I would be nothing without her.

A thank you to my mom

Of course, it’s hard to know where to begin. There are so many things to thank my mom for, from raising me to be a strong and independent adult to comforting me in times of need. She let me cry in your arms when I needed to, and she laughed with me when I needed to smile. My mom will always be the first person I call whenever I need advice, whenever something happens, good or bad.

Joyful adult daughter greeting happy surprised senior mother in garden

I need to say thank you to my mom for always being there. Never judging me. Only guiding me. Being a mom myself now, I can really understand the pressure she was under. It’s no easy feat to raise a child. I can only apologize for the silly things I did and said as a teenager. And, I can only say thank you for never turning your back on me. Despite how much I did not think I needed my mother back then, now that I am older and wiser, I can admit I was wrong. No matter what, I need my mom more than anyone on this earth.

Read: You were born to be you, not anyone else. So love and honor who you are; that’s the greatest gift you give yourself.

I love you, mom

I need to say thank you to my mom. And I need to say that I love her. Her pushing and believing in me paid off. My mother was there no matter what. Through all the boys and tears. Through all the failures. She held my head up and kept me swimming. My mom is the reason I know a mistake is not the end of the world. It’s an opportunity to grow. Every time I thought I was not good enough, my mom reminded me that I was.

This is a tribute to the woman who taught me about forgiveness. And, at the time time, she taught me about strength, kindness, respect. She is the reason I am capable of being a mother today. Without her guidance and her support, I would not be the woman I am today. Also, she was the person who held my hand and helped me realize my worth. Because she knew who I was and what I was able to be. As long as my mom is around, I hope I can make her proud.

So this is a thank you to my mom, because she deserves the world. Therefore, I can only hope that one day I will be even half the woman she is. All in all, if I even manage to become half the woman she was, and, if I manage to become half the mother she was to me, It would be more than I could ever ask to be.

So, take this opportunity to thank your mom. We often do not say it enough. And we so often wait until it is too late to really show our appreciation. If your mom is no longer around, take this moment to remember her and everything she did for you and how it, above all, helped shape you and create the person you are today.

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