close of up a person eyes
Mayukh Saha
Mayukh Saha
February 15, 2024 ·  1 min read

Are Your Eyes Capable of Spotting the Different Shade of Color?

Our ability to see is unique among the living beings on this planet. Our eyes can see and detect a vast range of different colors. The majority of other animals with eyes can hardly see as many colors as we do. However, did you know that, even within humans, the ability to which we can see colors varies?

Some can actually distinguish between shades of similar colors much better than others. That’s why today we bring to you a test involving color blocks. The results will be an indication of the strength of your eyes.

It is a very simple test where you just have to choose the block that is different. Ready? Here we go.

The Color Test:

1. Which Shade Of Purple Is Different?

2.  Which Shade Of Blue Is Different?

3. Which Shade Of Green Is Different?

4. Which Shade Of Yellow Is Different?

5. Which Shade Of Red Is Different?

The Solutions

So did you decide on your answers?

Here are the correct color answers:

1. C
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. B

So how many colors did you manage to correctly identify? If you got more than 3 wrong, then you should make an appointment with your ophthalmologist. If you only got 2 wrong then you might have slight color blindness. For those who got only 1 wrong, or all of them correct, then your eyes are amazing! Take care of them!

Let us know your scores in the comments below! Also, be sure to share the test with your friends and family to help them test their eyesight too.

Also, here are some more vision tests that can help you gauge your eyesight: