collar inserts
Jade Small
Jade Small
February 3, 2024 ·  4 min read

15 Mystery Items That Went From “What Am I?” to “Yay, Solved!

Have you ever discovered a weird or strange item and wondered what the heck it was? Well, if you happen to stumble upon any of these mystery items, wonder no more! We’ve compiled a list of 15 strange items that you probably won’t recognize, let alone be able to identify!

1. If you thought these were scissors, think again!

15 Mystery Items That Went From “What Am I?” to “Yay, Solved!”
© bhanayakrakshasa / Imgur

Even though they look like they could cut something, and they have the same handles for your fingers, they are not scissors. Clue: They snap as they shut, what are these?

2. This looks like it would be found at your grandmother’s house on the dining room table, or at the entrance hall, collecting dust. Could this be an ornament of a ship’s wheel?

15 Mystery Items That Went From “What Am I?” to “Yay, Solved!”
© Birdly3 / Imgur

This is actually a wall mount for your ties! The convenience is remarkable, it rotates so that you can choose which one you want to wear., and it makes a pretty decent display for all of your favorite and conversation-starting ties.

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3. Seeing this odd mystery item in your new car might cause a low-key freak out! Call the bomb squad!!

15 Mystery Items That Went From “What Am I?” to “Yay, Solved!”
© Duggan_Digs / Reddit

Relax, this is not a bomb. So, it is actually the GPS tracking device that a lot of modern cars come equipped with these days, just a little too conspicuous for most people. They are there to help recover your car if it gets stolen, so you definitely want this in your car – put down the phone!

4. This is bizarre, because it looks like that suction cup needs to go inside these two items, what could they be?

15 Mystery Items That Went From “What Am I?” to “Yay, Solved!”
© Nancy1437 / Reddit

Your first guess might have been something from an emergency room at a hospital, but, it is actually a mechanism that helps you screw in light bulbs that are too high up.

5. What might the function be of this weird little metal contraption? It has all these weird curves and bumps, and it is only one or two millimetres thick.

15 Mystery Items That Went From “What Am I?” to “Yay, Solved!”
© ribitty43 / Imgur

It turns out that this is that weird key that opens those toilet paper dispensers in public toilets.

6. So, have you ever bought a new shirt and found these attached with the label? Mystery solved!

15 Mystery Items That Went From “What Am I?” to “Yay, Solved!”
© Bailym / Reddit

You might find that the collars on your favorite smart shirt for work are a bit work out. These are thoughtfully provided by the designer and manufacturer so you can insert them into the collar and make them stiff again.

7. What would you think this metal thing is? It was found on an old porch, and it folds into itself. 

15 Mystery Items That Went From “What Am I?” to “Yay, Solved!”
© hastalanever / Reddit

So what did you guess this to be? It is a can crusher, so recycling is that much easier! There is a decent amount of money to be made with recycling, so this is a very handy little invention.

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8. This is a mystery item if we’ve ever seen on! Could it be a high tech ear bud? What do you think?

15 Mystery Items That Went From “What Am I?” to “Yay, Solved!”
© Pristine_Historian53 / Reddit

This strange gadget is not meant for digging gold mines from your ears, but it’s actually a hair remover for those tiny hairs on one’s face. Presumably, you pull the pink bits at the end away from each other, and the springs will open. Then, put it over the hair you want to remove and it will clampdown on the tiny hairs and you can pull them off. 

9. This spoon could make a 2-for-1 soupnight very intimate…

15 Mystery Items That Went From “What Am I?” to “Yay, Solved!”
© daeris_cos / Reddit

So, this is a piece of African art. It symbolizes the two different universes that are connected.

10. The Shorter length is actually ribs in the inside part that you can’t see, and at the point where they meet, there is a hinge tat can open to a 90-degree angle. 

15 Mystery Items That Went From “What Am I?” to “Yay, Solved!”
© ashleyd733111 / Imgur

Actually, this is actually an old kid’s toy from the 1800! It was a bubble blower, surprisingly! The loops get dipped into the soapy liquid, and you blow through them to make the bubbles. Not much has changed it seems. 

11. Foldable crown? 

15 Mystery Items That Went From “What Am I?” to “Yay, Solved!”

This might not be a crown, but it is definitely from the Victorian era. It is actually a purse. 

12. Could be an exercise thing? I don’t know about you, but it looks like something that belongs in a gynecologists’ collection of instruments.  What do you think? Can you guess what this mystery item is?

15 Mystery Items That Went From “What Am I?” to “Yay, Solved!”
© Yupurineutah / Imgur

So, as it turns out, this is for the sensitive hands…. It is a clamp for a hot jar so that your skin does not burn.

13. Is this a personal ladies’ item? 

15 Mystery Items That Went From “What Am I?” to “Yay, Solved!”
© blasticinc / Reddit

This might look like a menstrual cup, but it is actually used for the Chinese treatment called cupping. 

14. This could easily be a medieval torture device….. my eyes burn just looking at it. 

15 Mystery Items That Went From “What Am I?” to “Yay, Solved!”
© RedBanner / Imgur

This is not meant to cause any harm… unless you are a boiled egg. It is a device that slices the top of your hardboiled egg off. 

15. This mystery item looks slightly dangerous, the wooden rings will not come off!  What does this thing do?

15 Mystery Items That Went From “What Am I?” to “Yay, Solved!”
© Rigel04 / Reddit

So, this thing is used by Mexican people to stir their hot chocolate! The wooden rings that can’t come off are thereto create that creamy consistency.

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