There have been numerous gobsmackingly gorgeous women to grace Hollywood with their presence. However, only a few are able to withstand the sands of time and the brutal effects that come with aging. Jacqueline Bisset is one gorgeous woman who was not only mesmerizing in her youth but also in her elderly years. Now, at 78 years old the world remains in awe over her timeless green-eyed beauty.
Jacqueline Bisset’s Rise to Fame
Born in Weybridge, Surrey, in the United Kingdom, in 1944, Jacqueline Bisset was one of the most gorgeous women to walk the red carpet. Last September, she celebrated her 78th birthday. But do not let that number fool you, because Bisset is still turning heads as she walks by, just as she did in her youth. Back in 1964, Jacqueline Bisset was freshly 21 years old, and dreaming of becoming a famous actress. So, she set out to begin a life acting in movies.

After a few small movies, Jacqueline finally got her big break into Hollywood. She got a tole in the 1970 production of “Airport” and in 1973, she starred in “Day and Night” which ended up winning an academy award for best foreign language film. Jacqueline ended up on a fast track to stardom and by the end of the 80s, she had either starred or played a significant role in multiple movies and TV series. She won several academy awards for her efforts, revealing how much talent she had as an actress.

Never Married, But Seriously Loyal and Passionate
Jacqueline Bisset might be 79 years old today, but she is as radiant as ever. Unlike her fellow actors and actresses in the film industry, she has not had multiple marriages or even one marriage for that matter. However, this does not mean she was without love. Jacqueline had many love affairs and romances over the course of her life. This included actor Michael Sarrazin, dancer Alexander Godunov, real estate agent Victor Drai, actor Vincent Pérez, and Emin Boztepe – a martial arts instructor.

Jacqueline was just as loyal as if she had a ring on her finger. “I feel like I was married to them because I was very dedicated to them,” she said. “But I also used to feel claustrophobic. Like many people who don’t easily commit, I think I had a fear of being known. I was not sure there was anybody inside there.”
In an interview, Jacqueline Bisset spoke about her previous relationships, and why she chose to leave them. “I’ve had some very interesting men in my life. They have been a handful. I don’t choose easy men, I’m told.” She continued, “Sometimes you get too much information when you spend time with people. You start to see things–bad habits. You start to discover them and then you have to marry bad habits and I’m not sure I can cope with them. I don’t ever have bad relationships. I haven’t broken up angry. I’ve just moved out of situations that have been overwhelming.”
Jacqueline Bisset Never had Plastic Surgery
When Jacqueline Bisset won her Golden Globe award, she gave a rather inspiring speech that is still remembered to this day. She gave her insight on how to maintain a beautifully youthful complexion. She believes that forgiveness is the elixir of every-lasting beauty. “I believe, if you want to look good, you’ve got to forgive everybody. It’s the best beauty treatment,” she said.

Even though she was, and still is, an inspiration to so many young women, and older for that matter, Jacqueline Bisset still had her own insecurities. During her twenties and thirties, she was not a fan of her appearance, even though so many were. However, she refrained from any form of plastic surgery. She said she did not think it make anyone look any younger. “I don’t think it makes you look younger,” she said. “I think it makes you different. You’ve got to get used to yourself, you have to face yourself,” Bisset said. “On a deep, deep level you have to face yourself and say that people love ME, the inside of me … it took me my life (to get there). I need my wrinkles”
- “Jacqueline Bisset, British actress, is 78 years old today.” Beacham Journal. September 13, 2022.
- “Jacqueline Bisset, 78, continues to wow audiences with her natural beauty.” Newsner. April 3, 2023
- “Jacqueline Bisset, Jane Seymour on aging: Natural beauty, not Botox.” TODAY. Lisa Flam. February 25, 2014.