3 tigers
Jade Small
Jade Small
September 17, 2021 ·  3 min read

How Many Tigers Can You Find In This Picture? Hint: There Are More Than Four!

Just when you thought we didn’t have any more brain teasers for you to solve, we have another! Today’s challenge is all about optical illusions. We’re going to show you an image and all you have to do is count how many tigers you see. Sounds easy enough, right? Well, that’s the beauty of optical illusions- they are always harder than you think they’ll be! We gave this challenge to our staff here at Tiffy Taffy, and if we’re being completely honest with you, 95% of us here didn’t get the answer right. So, if you manage to get the correct number of tigers in your answer, you must be a genius!

First of all, these teasers are specifically designed to be challenging. That’s how they get your brain pumping! Secondly, doing brain teasers like this is actually good for you. Did you know that? They are beneficial for adults as well as children.

According to the creative minds at Brain Art, “optical illusions help you to make your brain sharper. They make you think hard about how a certain thing is possible, lead you to understand the working of a human brain, and how interesting it is. It also actually helps understanding the difference between ‘looking’ and ‘seeing’. The latter term has a broad and general meaning, whereas the former refers to observing something with an intention of comprehension. We always try to seek meaning, when we observe new things (especially those in an artistic manner). In short, optical illusions provide you with lots of food for thought, which intensifies and heightens your thinking process.” Wow! This tiger challenge is better for us than I realized! Do you think you can spot all of the tigers in today’s optical illusion?

How Many Tigers are in this Image?

We are going to show you a picture which was actually created as a painting, by Steve Read. Steve’s painting depicts several tigers. Now, you will notice some of them immediately. However, there are plenty of tigers hidden in the image itself. Can you find them all?

Take a look at the image below and count how many tigers you see. Remember, it could be a whole body of a tiger or just the head. Keep your eyes peeled and good luck!

painting with multiple tigers hidden throughout
SteveRead Fine Art

At first glance, you will notice there are a few big cats in the image. Also, there are some cubs. But, do you see the other tigers hidden in this painting? There are so many to find, we hope you spot them all! We don’t want to give you too many clues, or give the answer away. So, you’ll have to do most of the work on your own. Good luck!

unsure woman
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Do you need a hint? Okay, we can help out a little. After all, it’s the nice thing to do. If you take a look at the trees and greenery, you may spot a few more of these wild cats. That’s the only tip we can give without revealing too much! Hope it helps!

Tiger Painting Solution

We know this one was harder than most challenges we give you. However, the answer should’ve been easy enough to find if you took your time and really observed the image. Keeping in mind that optical illusions are designed to challenge your brain, this one specifically has some benefits. Read created this image to draw your attention across the painting. As your eyes move from one spot to the next, your brain takes in certain information and processes it. Some of you will have noticed all of the little details, while others may have struggled to find them all.

In total, there are 16 tigers in this painting. Did you find them all? Here is the solution with each one circled. Let us know how you did, leave a comment below!

painting with multiple tigers hidden throughout. the tigers have been revealed by being circled

Wow! That one was difficult! If you want to give your brain some more fun teasers to solve today, try these out: