woman on couch using laptop
Jade Small
Jade Small
November 9, 2021 ·  3 min read

How Many Faces Can You Find?

Folks from all over the world are coming together to try this face puzzle from Fabiosa. Most are unable to solve it in the time given. Do you think you can beat them, and solve this tricky challenge?

All you have to do is find the hidden face in the image below, and do so in under 1 minute. From what we can tell, over 90% of those who have attempted this hidden image challenge have failed. Hopefully, you will be able to break a new record and solve this in less than 60 seconds.

Strengthen Multiple Parts of Your Brain

Just by attempting to solve puzzles like this, you are actively strengthening your brain. Different parts of your brain are stimulated and trained when you forcibly alter your perception or shift your focus. In fact, research has been done on how the brain responds to hidden images.

Free stock photo of analysis, anatomy, brain

The researchers learned that the brain generates signals in certain areas of the visual cortex — the part for sight. The neurons, or brain nerve cells, in that section respond more strongly to uncovered shapes. However, when the shapes begin to disappear behind the dots, certain neurons in the part of the brain that governs functions like memory and planning — the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex — respond more intensely.


When you attempt to focus your vision on something you don’t automatically see, you are exercising important parts of your brain. The same applies when you try to spot a face in a crowd. In fact, new research has discovered a specific part of the cortex that responds to faces.

The present results provide unique insights into human brain functioning at the cellular level during face processing. These findings also help bridge the understanding of face mechanisms across species (i.e., monkeys and humans). “It is really exciting,” Dr. Axelrod says, “that after almost half a century since the discovery of face-neurons in macaque monkeys, it is now possible to demonstrate similar neurons in humans.”


Today’s Challenge: Find the Face

You are going to work on several different parts of your brain trying to solve today’s challenge. But, that’s enough science for now. Let’s get to the puzzle!

Stylish adult female using smartphone on street

Andrea Piacquadio
– Pexels

All you have to do is take a look at the image below, and tell us where the face is hiding. You will notice a landscape, full of curving lines and angles. Several shapes will try to deter your vision from where it should go. But, are you strong enough to make your brain see what is really there? Find the face in under 60 seconds.


Since you have some time, we can give you a hint to help you along. If you remember what you’ve already learned, then you know your brain is going to try and trick you. Pay attention to the lines and “movement” in the image. Notice anything yet?

Are you keeping track of your time? Spotting the face in this puzzle is certainly a tricky challenge. Don’t give up! We know you will be able to solve it if you focus a little harder. Maybe try adjusting your perception. A change of perspective is always a good idea, even when not trying to solve a puzzle.


Woman in White Button Up Shirt
cottonbro – Pexels

It’s likely that some of you were unable to find the face, but that’s okay! You just need to practice a bit more, and you’ll be a master puzzle-solver in no time. Be sure to check the selection of puzzles down below for some extra brain-boosting fun!

If you did find the face, you are one smart cookie! Let’s show everyone where the face was hiding in the image. Did you get it right?
