shopping cart being pushed down grocery store aisle
Mayukh Saha
Mayukh Saha
March 10, 2024 ·  3 min read

Shoppers’ Minds Blown After Realizing What Hook-On Shopping Carts Are For

Many shoppers have been quite astounded to know what the hook on shopping carts is actually used for. All of us have shopped at supermarkets at some point in our lives, and we always need to dump our bags so that we are not holding on to them while also pushing a heavy shopping cart around. Such a dilemma has brought forth several practical and impractical methods- one which would assist people while they are shopping. But the best method, or rather a trick, which has boggled shoppers’ minds is simply a hook-on shopping cart. And lest it remains unsaid, these have existed on shopping carts for quite some time.

The hook on shopping carts hack was uploaded by a TikTok account that belongs to Woolworth’s Australia. An employee from the store was seen in the video stating, “Woolworth’s trolley [shopping cart] hack. On the back of every trolley, there is a courtesy hook so you can hang your hat or your reusable bags, so you don’t have to carry them around the store.” This did create quite a ripple on the social media platform, with a large section of the comments talking about how they didn’t have a clue about this. One person stated, “I was pleased when I discovered that hook. And I do hang my shopping bags there.” Another user was quite shocked that people didn’t know about this previously. They said, “I thought everyone knew that.” 

It should be noted that hooks like these also show up on shopping carts at various others grocery chains in both the UK and North America. Take a look for them.

The Greatest Invention Since Sliced Bread- Hook On Shopping Carts

Even Deborah Russell, a New Zealand MP, shared this hack when she herself used the hook on shopping carts- and uploaded a picture of it on Twitter. In a tweet that was posted back in 2019, the Labor MP stated, “Shopping trolley innovation: a handy hook for bags.” Her tweet went quite viral with people talking about how they were unaware of it. Some users also mentioned that the hooks weren’t there at every store. One user went on to comment, “I only just discovered that like only a month ago- and I’ve been using trolleys for years…who woulda known huh.

Image Credit: @BeeFaerie | Twitter

Several others responded to MP Russell’s tweet about the hook on shopping carts. One user went on to write, “Yes! It’s amazing how many people don’t know what they are for though. Truly confusing to watch all those bags in trolleys.” A third poster commented, “Excellent, so much of the trolley is taken up by bags.

One user seemed to be quite disappointed by this craze for something that they found to be natural. “Another utterly astounding ‘hack’/ ‘I had NO IDEA OMG’ video on FB as, this time, some genius disovers that the bag hook on a shopping trolley is in actual fact a hook for hanging bags. Never mind New Year motivations; I could probably power myself through this entire year with the white hot rage I feel for folk discovering products’ intended uses several decades into their ridiculous lives.

Keep Reading: The ‘Shopping Cart Test’ Is a Way to Determine If Someone is a Good Person