five hands
Sarah Biren
Sarah Biren
March 8, 2024 ·  3 min read

Can You Guess The Correct Number Of Fingers In The Photo?

Anyone who wears glasses is familiar with the question, “How many fingers am I holding up?” After all, whenever glasses-wearers take them off, people become eager to test their vision. The problem is that glasses correct blurriness and depth perception. Taking them off won’t change how the number of blurry fingers waving in their faces. However, for this riddle, the question is perfectly applicable. How many fingers do you see in this picture? The answer may be more confusing than you first realize.

Riddle #1: What is the Number of Fingers In This Picture?

"How many fingers are in this picture?" puzzle
Photo Credits:

Like many viral brain teasers, this picture may become more confusing the longer you look at it. Count the number of fingers again if you need. To make this puzzle easier, let’s make the solution multiple-choice, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire style. Check if your answer matches one of these four options:

"How many fingers are in this picture?" puzzle
Photo Credits:

Did the multiple options make the answer more obvious or more confusing for you? Many people have gotten the solution wrong on their first try. Before you scroll for the answer, choose your final answer. Got it? Alright, here is the correct answer:

Answer: Option C. The number of fingers in this photo is 20 because four entire hands are present in the puzzle.

Here are more picture puzzles to solve

If you like riddles based on pictures, you may enjoy Rebus puzzles. These picture riddles use images, words, and colors to convey a hidden message. In these cases, the size, shape, and direction of the words are clues to what the message might be. Think of it as puns or wordplay in photo form. Therefore, the following riddles are based on popular phrases or idioms. They will get harder as they go on, so take your time on each one before scrolling to check your answer.

Riddle #2 “NV”

Rebus puzzle "NV"
Photo Credits: RD.COM

Let’s start with a simpler puzzle. If this confuses you, sound out the letter and consider the colors used in the picture. 

Answer: Green with envy

Riddle #3 “What Must”

Rebus puzzle "What Must"
Photo Credits: RD.COM

Hint for this puzzle: Consider the direction of these words.

Answer: What goes up, must come down

Riddle #4 “Travel CCCCCC”

Rebus puzzle "Travel/CCCCCC"
Photo Credits: RD.COM

For this puzzle, analyze where the word and letters are placed.

Answer: Overseas travel 

Riddle #5 “Meta Meta Meta Meta”

Rebus puzzle "Meta Meta Meta Meta"
Photo Credits: RD.COM

Here’s a hint for this riddle: Which words begin with “meta”? Then consider the number and positioning of the words in the photo.

Answer: Metaphor

Riddle #6 “584Safety9482”

Rebus puzzle "584 Safety 9482"
Photo Credits: RD.COM

Hint: Look at the overall pictures instead of scrambling your brain over what each number means. Could you find the solution faster than finding the number of fingers in the first riddle?

Answer: Safety in numbers

Riddle #7 “Talir”

Rebus puzzle "Talir"
Photo Credits: RD.COM

Here’s a hint: Rearrange the letters to see what word they make.

Answer: Trail mix

Riddle #8 “Smoke G”

Rebus puzzle "Smoke G"
Photo Credits: RD.COM

This puzzle is extra tricky. See what words are arranged in this picture, along with the direction used.

Answer: Go up in smoke

Riddle #9 “STR EET”

Rebus puzzle "STRE EET"
Photo Credits: RD.COM

Here’s an easier puzzle where the shape gives away the answer.

Answer: Street corner

Riddle #10 “Job”

Rebus puzzle "Job in job"
Photo Credits: RD.COM

No hint this time. Previous strategies will help you decipher this one.

Answer: In between jobs

Riddle #11 “Give Get”

Rebus puzzle "Give Get"
Photo Credits: RD.COM

No hint for this last one either. Take your time to figure out the answer.

Answer: Forgive and forget

How many did you get right? Did you find the Rebus puzzles easier than figuring out the number of fingers in the first riddle? If you’re looking for more, check these out!