This is the internet, and as you know, we love cats here. We have an incredibly tricky challenge that is leaving everyone stumped. Can you find the cat in this strange photo below? Well, don’t worry, we couldn’t either at first. But, we assure you it’s there!
Cats are pretty wonderful little creatures, aren’t they? Always right in the middle of whatever you’re trying to do, and somehow both demanding constant attention and warning us to leave them alone. Yes, they are truly mysterious and loveable. If you’ve ever had a cat, you know they tend to go where they want and sleep where they please. Sometimes, in the most unusual places.
For example, take the photo below. Can you find the cat that decided to sleep outside amidst this pile of chopped wood?
Are You Able to Find the Cat?
When we first saw this photo we were a little confused. Apparently, we were supposed to find the cat in the image in under 1 minute. Now, you might be saying the same thing to yourself as we did. “What cat?” Well, believe it or not, there is a hidden kitty somewhere in this photo.
If you are struggling to see it, don’t worry, we had a difficult time as well. One person suggested the black spot in the back near the fence must be cat. It does look a little suspicious, doesn’t it. So, we took a closer look.
Sadly, no cat was found in that spot so we had to keep looking. Where else could it be hiding? Hopefully, you are having better luck than we did.
After passing the photo around to a few more people, another person had an idea. Suggesting we look for a lighter-colored cat, we started browsing the woodpile. Aha! I think I might have found it. Take a look at the lower-left corner of the woodpile, can we find the cat there?
Again, it was just a slight trick of the eye. No cat in that part of the photo. Hmm…I wonder where it could be hiding.
It wasn’t too much longer until the answer was found. While scanning the image with my eyes, I decided to do something different. Instead of zooming in, what if I zoomed out? So that’s what I did and was able to find the cat almost instantly! Have you spotted it yet? Well, here’s a hint: it’s a tabby cat! Look for an orange and gold area of the photo.
The Solution
If you are ready to see where this sneaky kitty was hiding, we have the solution for you right here. Ready? Take a look at the top of the woodpile, just left of the fence. Are you there? Okay great! Now, look at that second log of wood. that’s not wood at all, but a sleeping tabby cat!
We hope you enjoyed this challenging visual test. If you liked it, check these out!
- Your Eyes Will Go Crazy Trying To Find The 10 Hidden Cats In This Picture
- There Are Actually Two Women in This Creepy Photo. Can You Find Both?
- Are You Able To Answer These 12 Tricky Questions?