gossip quote
Jade Small
Jade Small
April 24, 2024 ·  3 min read

Easy Life Changes That Instantly Make You a Better Person

It is an innate human factor to strive to be a better person. Whether this is for your benefit or for those you love (or both). Here are 6 easy life changes you can make to improve your self-image

Consider others needs before your wants

One of the greatest acts of kindness is putting other people’s needs before the things you want. There is a name for this behavior, and it is selflessness. Having a compassionate mindset can lead you to be more focused on helping others, thus bringing them joy. This is said to alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety in both the person or the people you helped and yourself. Being solely focused on your own success can lead to you being overly critical of yourself and others, but if you help other people along your way

Think before you say something

Possibly one of the simplest in our list of easy life changes. Thinking, along with writing and speaking, are three of the greatest skills anyone can have. Yet, as human beings, we are often clouded by our emotions, which might cause some unwarranted reactions. This could hurt your friend’s feelings or offend a client. If we all took a moment to think of our responses, our communication would be much smoother. If criticism is unavoidable, there is nothing wrong with making it constructive for the person you are criticizing. This will promote a healthier relationship between colleagues and friends because it is clear from your response that you had no bad intention towards them.

Be authentic, even when online

Be authentic, even if you’ve had a bad day. Often we allow our inner keyboard warrior to take our emotions out on someone with a comment on a post or a picture. Or maybe you made a post that might directly offend someone’s culture or lifestyle choices.  This helps people paint a picture of you that you might disagree with. To avoid this, take a moment to consider if you would be brave enough to say what you commented online to someone in person. Being authentic is also a great display of your reliability and honesty – two amazing virtues that help you make connections throughout your life and a relatively easy life change to make!

Admit your mistakes

It is considered to be a natural human reaction to try and justify your mistakes. We fear rejection; therefore, our mistakes could send us into a panic. By continuously justifying our mistakes, we distort our sense of reality to believe we are perfect and never make mistakes. This can be quite narcissistic behavior and can lead to a bigger problem later on.  People may lose faith in your reliability. By admitting your mistake and taking responsibility, you show that you acknowledge the lesson you have learned, and we can only progress after that. It’s not an easy life change to make by any means. But, you know how the phrase goes…“Every mistake is a lesson learned.”

Channel your anger into something positive or productive

Anger is one of those darn emotions that very few of us have control over. It is a completely natural human emotion that is extremely powerful but can more than often be volatile and overwhelming. Anger’s power doesn’t have to be destructive, it can also be a great motivator. Artists and musicians alike have mastered the act of transferring their anger and other emotions into their work. This expression helps you resolve any confusions which might have triggered the anger. If you’re not the artistic type, you can use anger to bring a positive change to your career. Whether it’s starting up a new business or motivating you to bring up something that needs resolve. Being aware of anger is a great thing, and knowing how to channel it is even better.

Be open to change

We all know at this point in our lives that change is inevitable and extremely vital for progress. Keeping an open mind allows new concepts or possible endeavors to seem less daunting or fearful. If you remain open to the idea of change, preventing any stubborn thoughts of comfortability, you allow versatility in your life. You could learn a new skill which provides doorways of opportunity.[1]

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