child using a ladder and writing math equations on chalkboard
Mayukh Saha
Mayukh Saha
January 22, 2024 Â·  4 min read

30 Genius School Ideas That Should Be At Every School

Being in school currently is probably the best time for a child in history. With the involvement of new technologies, the way education is imparted has changed drastically over this millennium. So, let’s check out some of the ways modern education has incorporated recent technology to make the process more seamless and efficient for students. 

30 Genius Ideas That Schools Have Incorporated

1. An elementary school for kids would definitely benefit from having a twirly slide. After all, this would make kids quite excited to go to school every day.

Image Credits: Reddit

2. Every university library has a strict librarian asking people to maintain silence. But this library has a machine that manages to detect the sound level. So, no annoying librarians anymore!

Image Credits: Reddit

3. Naps are said to increase the productivity of an individual. And this school firmly believes in it.

Image Credits: Reddit

4. Education doesn’t always have to be provided in classrooms. One can also use the stairs to impart some knowledge.

Image Credits: Bored Panda

5. Every student, at some point in their life, has had to submit papers. And we all remember the mad scramble for a stapler. This University has solved that problem.

Image Credits: Imgur

6. Are your students stealing calculators? No problem. Simply engrave them on your tables.

Image Credits: Reddit

7. Getting sunburnt is a real issue for every budding sportsperson. Therefore, this school had the genius idea to add a sunscreen dispenser. 

Image Credits: BoredPanda

8. If you want to look at the clock to pass the time, why not start solving the problems written on it? It will definitely pass the time. 

Image Credits: Bored Panda

9. It is always a ruckus trying to find a place to park one’s cycle as a student. More schools should start adding such parking apparatus. 

Image Credits: Reddit

10. Vending machines should not only be used to sell snacks. As this school shows, one can also sell school supplies to those who need them. 

Image Credits: Reddit

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11. Lesson learned in chairs. If your university has a binary code imprinted in your chair, you should be quite happy. 

Image Credits: Reddit

12. Some schools have parking spots for cycles- while others have parking spots for skateboards. Regardless- it is all about safety and security.

Image Credits: Reddit

13. University that provides service dogs during exams. What could one ask more from their educational institute?

Image Credits: Reddit

14. This University has periodic tables on their tables in the science department. Really cool.

Image Credits: Imgur

15. Sitting in a spot for long hours can be tiring for the back and legs. This is why this school has desks with pedals in them. 

Image Credits: Reddit

16. When the bell rings, the students simply slide through to the ground to play. No reason to clatter up the stairs anymore. 

Image Credits: Reddit

17. This school has stairs divided up into lanes. People who walk slowly can take lane one- while the rest of them move up through the other lanes. 

Image Credits: Reddit

18. With the increasing popularity of solar panel tables- it shouldn’t be a surprise that quite a few schools have started incorporating them. 

Image Credits: Imgur

19. Lockers painted as book covers to highlight the importance of books. It does look quite aesthetic- but we may never know if it inspired any student. 

Image Credits: WLOX

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20. Date rape drugs are the most disgusting things that a student can have on them. And this school has taken efforts to make sure such a thing doesn’t occur on their watch. 

Image Credits: Imgur

21. A mirror on the wall above could help students look for the really nifty little movements of their teachers. It does get pretty easier for them to understand what their teacher is doing. 

Image Credits: Imgur

22. Bubble wraps are amazing. And if you are tensed, start popping one. 

Image Credits: Reddit

23. As kids, we all loved to play in puddles. This school is bringing that environment into a controlled setting.

Image Credits: BoredPanda

24. Vending machines for school supplies are not only needed- but are also quite innovative. 

Image Credits: Reddit

25. USB Cords are quite paramount in this day and age. And hey, if they mimic Whoopi Goldberg’s hair, who’s complaining?

Image Credits: Imgur

26. A truly natural school. Would you send your child to this kindergarten school which is literally built in a tree?

Image Credits: BoredPanda

27. What’s a periodic table worth if it doesn’t even have the elements inside? Well, this school is subverting that trope and actually contains the elements in their periodic table stacks.

Image Credits: Reddit

28. Parents will find it easier to breathe- knowing that children can simply go to YouTube to check our homework lessons. 

Image Credits: Reddit

29. If you want to calculate how much you should open your class door and at what angle, please join this school. 

Image Credits: Reddit

30. When schools have slides in them, we shouldn’t really be surprised to realize that the Technical University Munich has the same feature. 

Image Credits: Imgur

So, will you be sending your wards to these schools? Write to us in the comments below!

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h/t Bored Panda