hospital room with patient in coma in bed
Jade Small
Jade Small
May 14, 2024 ·  3 min read

He Refused to Take His Wife Off Life Support. Two Months Later She Woke Up and Hugged Her Newborn Son

A loving couple from Indiana suffered a traumatic ordeal. The Indiana mother was hospitalized after falling sick while pregnant with her third baby. She ended up in a coma in ICU following the birth of her son, and her husband refused to give up on her. Instead of taking her off life support, he prayed for her. Then, a miracle happened.

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The Best Day Turned into the Worst

Zach and Autumn were excitedly awaiting the arrival of their third child, a baby boy, when Autumn fell gravely ill. She ended up in a hospital where she had an emergency C-section. Thankfully, their baby boy, Huxley, was healthy. But, instead of immediately being enveloped into his mother’s arms, she was placed into ICU where she fought for her life. “I was told that she had zero percent chance of survival. I mean, it was the worst day of my life,” said Zach.

The doctor who was treating Autumn did not have high expectations for her recovery. In fact, two months into Autumn’s induced coma, a suggestion was made to Zach to make a very big decision. One that he was not prepared to make. “I’ve been with Autumn since I was 14 years old. I don’t know life without her, and so they are telling me she is not going to survive. It was terrible,” said Zach.

Instead of agreeing to switch off the life support machines to let her pass away peacefully, he wanted to wake her up and place Huxley in her arms. She had never even held her son before. Zach knew the risks of waking up Autumn. It might very well be the last thing she does, but he was determined to give her a chance to hold her son. He pleaded with the doctors, who eventually agreed. Armed with his faith and the many people he knew were praying for Autumn, he introduced his son to his mother for the first time. “Her parents, one of her best friends, and many nurses and doctors witnessed the special moment. I don’t know if there was a dry eye in the area. What an amazing day.”

A Slow Recovery

Now that Autumn was awake, her healing journey could begin. Although, it was not going to be a long road to becoming healthy again. Her doctors suggested they do a lung transplant. But this didn’t sit well with Zach. So, he asked for a second opinion from a specialist. “[The doctor] came in and said, ‘you don’t need a lung transplant. You’re going to be fine.’ It was super good news. We embraced in a hug and thanked God and the doctor,” said Zach.

Autumn finally went home with her husband. However, they kept her homecoming a surprise for their daughters, who reportedly were shocked when they saw their mother enter through the front door. Zach wrote in a Facebook post: “Such a happy, emotional, overwhelming day. I had to step back many times and look at all the greatness. We surprised our daughters. I think they were in shock. Neither of them could talk or react.”

A Changed Family

The whole ordeal has been an eye-opener for the whole family. Their daughter opened up to autumn about how miracles seem so much more real now, and she believes they truly do happen. Autumn shared a message with everyone who followed her journey. “Every day is a gift,” she said. “Tell people you love them and give lots of hugs. It can just all change so quickly and you don’t want to leave anything unsaid.”

As Zach reflects back to the traumatic time, he admitted to being a changed man. “I’m closer with my family. I say prayers with my kids every night, I didn’t do that before,” he said. “I am super grateful and I don’t go throughout the day without saying multiple prayers. Prayer saved my wife, and not only did it save her life, it changed my life.”

Keep Reading: Woman who survived cancer as a kid becomes nurse where she was treated


  1. Man Refuses to Take Wife off Life Support, Prays for 2 Months until She Wakes up and Hugs Newborn Son.” Amomama. Brittany Chalmers. December 16, 2022.
  2. The Unfolding of a Miracle Brings Mom Home.” CBN. Debbie White.