Jade Small
Jade Small
August 24, 2021 ·  2 min read

How Many Numbers Can You Spot on This Picture?

This picture is causing a lot of debate. How many numbers are there in the picture? According to many, the answer may vary. We’d love to know how many numbers you see! Ready for this mind-bending challenge? Let’s take a look and see how you do!

How Many Numbers do you See?

We’ve scoured the internet, and asked several people about this image below. To our surprise, people saw different things! It turns out, if you have a highly creative imagination, and are left-brain dominant, you will see more than others. Now, whether or not the creators of this challenge intended for there to be this level of intricacy involved, we may never know. What we do know is that this is one of the best number image tests we’ve ever seen.

To get started, grab a pencil and a piece of paper. This will make it easier to see all the numbers in the image properly. Now, look at the picture below. If you need to copy the image on paper, do so, then count how many numbers you see. Perhaps writing them down will help!

how many numbers do you see?
Image via msn

Take your time with this one, it is tricky. How are you doing so far? Remember to use your imagination and take it one step at a time. What’s really interesting about this picture, is that the longer you look at it, the more you see. It’s incredible!

The Answer, Revealed

If you are ready to see the answer, we have it for you. Keep in mind that there are 2 acceptable answers. The first answer for how many numbers there are in this image is 6. However, when we showed this test to multiple people, they gave us a different answer and showed us how they reached it. What answer did you get? Was it 6, or was it something else?

First, the 6 numbers are 6, 8, 9, 4, 2, 1. Interestingly, if you spend some more time looking at the image you may notice something else.

There are 2 more numbers hidden in this picture! For us, that makes the other acceptable answer 8. To reach this answer, you would have to take the 8 in the image and cut it in half, making a 3. Then, if you turn the image upside down, you can see there is a 7 in there as well. Remember when we mentioned having a pencil and paper? This is where that would’ve some in handy. Allowing you to rotate and shift your perception will show you the other 2 numbers!

answer key. how many numbers do you see?
Image via Mambee

How did you do? We hope you truly enjoyed today’s brain challenge. Remember, keeping your brain active and giving it a good workout is vital! If you liked that test, we know you will love these others we have for you below!